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"Darling, your bath is ready for you," mom says.

"Thanks mom I'll be there in second." she nodded as she closed the door. I stripped of my dress and under wear, put on my robe as I went inside the bathroom and the sweet aroma hit my nose I sighed happily.

I went inside the bathtub and let my body soak in the warm water I felt so relax and my muscles loosening up. geez how long has it been since I had a bath, probably a week or so I don't know.

Lost in my thoughts and closed my eyes after washing my body and hair I got out of the bath tub and patted my body dry and applied lotion. Getting out my new pair of underwear and wearing a white dress and flower head band.

All my dresses were in the same design and in different colors. They were all kind of body hugging at the top torso and from the bottom it was flown and hit my knees as it is inappropriate for it to be shorter than that. Also wearing flats on an everyday basis but they are occasions I wear heels and it kills!

Enjoying life as teenager but with royalty I hit my 15th birthday three weeks ago I was so happy until mom brought up that in a year or so I would be marrying and becoming Queen as my spouse would become King. Ruling the kingdom together, thinking about it made me sigh.

I went downstairs as I bumped into someone "Edward!" I gasp as it was my dear cousin brother.

"My, my Princess Evelyn you must be careful where your heading, don't want anyone else to your highness to fall on her bottom!" He chuckles lightly as he picked me up from the ground I pout.

"Your so mean" I sat still pouting.
"I'm sorry," he says bowing his head as I rub the back of my dress to remove the dust.
"Geez Edward no need to be apologizing nor bowing your head"

He smiles "You take your job too seriously I guess."
"I guess so but its for the best." he says as I scoff he had is arm out and I put my arm in as he escorted me to the dinning room to have a snack after breakfast and bath.

Edward who is my cousin as well as the royal guard. All royal guards have a tattoo behind the necks to show that they really belong in the royal family, only a few have it. Every royal family has their own distinctive mark on them, I too have one behind me ear but it is not complete as I have not married.

Edward is tall and lean as he fights often for his role. Has brown hair which is styled to match his face shape. He has nice green eyes and long lashes as every girl would love long lashes like his. Oh and he has nice facial hair which is a turn on when I look into guys. Just saying.

He's only 24 and he's quite good looking. I remember having a crush on him when I was much younger but I only think of him as a brother. To be honest I don't really know about his family background there were many times I wanted to ask but I don't want to be nosy and it's not me place to ask him.

Being modest is the best.

As I entered the big dining room something felt strange, the presence of this room was off. I look around and I see someone having a cloth on my mouth as I pass out.

I hear someone calling my name, I woke up but I was completely out of. "ha the princess finally woken up eh?" I look around to adapt the atmosphere there was blood everywhere and this rude man was sit in my fathers throne I wanted to launch at him but I simply fell to the ground having no strength. I there was no body around and I looked behind seeing that everyone was on the ground killed.

My eyes few wider to see that this man on my fathers throne killed everyone in the castle and I'm the only one alive. I've been kidnap in my own castle and no one can save me. tears coming out he comes closer, I flinch away as he grabbed my hair forcefully and caressed my face... "oh baby, don't cry no man wants to see a girl cry" he coos me to calm down.

I tried to separate his hand from my hair and he did so, "where's my parents?" I mange to choke out. he simply laughs, "your parents will be dead soon if you don listen to what I say, girl"
(Edward picture on the side)

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