*Mature Content*

"So, you talk in class, we get punished and now you're asking me to look out for you while you ditch detention?" This girl really did know how to stump people.

Chloe pouted. "Come on, V! You know Charlie needs me. I can't say no to him, can I? Besides, he is already waiting outside. Just make sure nobody notices I am not here and call/text me if they do."

I sighed, fine, if she wanted to ditch her best friend for love, what can I do?

Aah, fiiiine. I am being dramatic. "Okay, okay. You go, I'll be your look out, your highness" I said, bowing.

Giggling, she turned around to leave. "We will talk about what happened today annddd I promise I will make it up to youuu" and just like that, she was gone.

As she left, the fact that I was all alone in the creepy looking room at the end of the hall, after school hours became very evident to me. Was I the only one in detention today? Shouldn't there be a teacher?

As I was thinking this, I heard footsteps. That must be the teacher. I obediently sat down at the back and took out a book, trying to look innocent for some reason. I have been in detention before but never have I been alone. I felt very aware of my surrounding as the footsteps inched closer.

I looked up immediately as soon as I sensed somebody enter.

"You?" Both our voices mixed together in confusion. Ugh, this day couldn't get any worse. Please don't take that as a challenge, God.

"Did you follow me?" Adrian said, eyeing me suspiciously. Doing my best to hold back a scoff, I said "Can you please stop thinking everything is about you for a second? Why the fuck would I follow you into detention and get here before you?"

"Maybe you want to be alone with me? I mean, the kiss was very pretty nice" he smirked.

Alone? "Isn't the teacher coming?"

Hearing me say that, he laughed. "I am guessing you aren't here often. Mr. Erikson doesn't bother showing up. I was actually planning to leave right after coming but I might just stay now."

I immediately got up to leave. "And if anybody is thinking about leaving, I might tell Mr. Erikson about it." Adrian said, sitting right next to me.

Oh no, Chloe would also get in trouble if he does that.

"Fine. But I am not sitting next to you" I said, moving to another desk. He immediately got up and sat next to me. "You can try"

Seriously? Wasn't he apologetic just a few hours earlier? "I see how sorry you are."

His expression immediately darkened. "I was sorry... but like you said, you hurt me and now we are even."

"I hurt you?" I couldn't believe my ears. "And what the hell did I do to you?" Rolling my eyes, I looked at him, waiting for him to enlighten me.

"Didn't you hurt me?" He said, making my eyes avert to his groin immediately. Clearing my throat, I said " Well, it wasn't enough."

I turned around in my seat, not wanting to face him anymore. It's so goddamn hard to not look at his lips and think about how he pulled me in and how his lips felt against mine as his hands roamed around my back. I want to kiss him again. So bad.

Do I like that he kissed me without my consent? No. Was I right in speaking up for myself? Yes. Have I been thinking about that kiss? Yes. Was I turned on? Yes.

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