"What did you make? It smells delicious!"

"Can't you tell?"

The two adults made their way to the opposite side of the table where Taehyuk leaned over the pot.

"Is this what I think it is?" Hyunjin's mom gave off a pleased expression, "you're the best, did you know that?"

Hyunjin fought his gag reflex as they leaned in for a kiss.

As soon as the stew was ladled out, the small talk commenced.

"This is awesome! You're lucky you live with such a good cook, Hyunjin." Hyunjin hummed in response.

It was good. It was just the first thing she had cooked for him since the move.

"So I hear you're in high school. Second year, right?" Hyunjin nodded, not fully trusting his voice, "how's that going?"


"Good, good. Keepin' those grades up?"


"Find any friends yet?"


"Mm, a social butterfly. I wonder where he gets that from." The boyfriend playfully rubbed shoulders with Hyunjin's mother who pushed back in embarrassment.

"Be quiet."

"What? You're always asking to go out!"

Hyunjin abruptly stood up.

"I have lots of homework to do, may I please go to my room?" The adults shared a confused glance, but allowed him to leave without questions.

Hyunjin practically threw his bowl into the sink before marching to his room, backpack in tow.

He hadn't lied; he did have homework to do, but he also was not about to stay and hear about his mother's secret social life.

Hyunjin spread out his notebooks on his bed and pulled out his math worksheet to make it look like he was working. After he was satisfied with the set up, he slid his phone out of his pocket.


Imma punch a wall

What'd the wall do to you?

My mom brought her boyfriend home

Her boyfriend is a wall?

Oh how I wish

Okay but real talk. since when does she have a boyfriend?

That's what I wanna know!!!

She didn't tell you until now?

She didn't tell me a lot of things

Awwww does Jinnie need a hug?

Shut up this is serious!

I'm trying to lighten the mood gosh!

Sorry I'm just upset

I know it's fine

Are you still with them?

No locked myself in my room

Need me to come over?

You live an hour away?


Your call

Then I'm coming

See you soon

You're an idiot

But I'm cute!

Hyunjin scoffed at his friend's attitude. Only a year younger but so confident.

Knowing he'd get nothing done while Jeongin was there, he forced himself to put down the phone and start his homework.

It wasn't much, just a math worksheet and some reading for World Lit but the sight of it made Hyunjin want to face plant on his bed and never get up.

He slogged through his math worksheet, sighing dramatically in between each problem. The first ten problems went by fast, but as he neared the three word problems at the bottom of the page, he could feel his resolve giving out. Nothing stopped him as his fingers crawled across the bed towards his phone, the paragraphs full of numbers long forgotten.

He turned the device over and typed in his password, watching as the apps flew into place on the screen. He clicked on the Instagram app as if he regularly got notifications from there.

A light scratching sound interrupted his mindless scrolling. Hyunjin rolled off his bed to let the small dog inside. When the door opened, Kkami ran through Hyunjin's legs and jumped on the bed, crumpling the worksheet.

"Just make yourself at home why dontcha?" Hyunjin cracked a smile as he wiggled the piece of paper out from under the dog and tossed it on his backpack.

Plopping back down on the bed, he rested his back on the wall and buried a hand in Kkami's fur. His other hand occupied with social media once again.

So much for homework.

Scrolling through a bunch of pointless posts, Hyunjin noticed one from Felix.

His face wasn't in it, which slightly worried Hyunjin, but the picture of Changbin and a puppy could not have been cuter.

He liked the picture and saved it to his phone.

Who knows when something like that could be useful.


These Seungmin fancams are gonna be the death of me. 

Dark to Baby: A Changjin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now