4; second rounds, and missing hydroflasks

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"Another round? Aren't they gonna kill themselves?" Iida, being the class president, worried about what might happen to the two below them. With Eli pressuring Bakugou to fight her with all he's got, everyone had to feel anxious and worry for the new girl.

All Might, who was observing and watching the fight unfold, gave consent to the second round and allowed the two to fight until a winner was decided. "Akimoto Eli, she knows what she's doing. No one seemed to notice that most of her attacks are well thought-out and planned." The pro-hero gave the students around him what he noticed during Akimoto's first duel.

"Her attacks?" Uraraka puts a thumb under her chin in a thinking matter. "Now that you've mention it, Akimoto did teleport around a lot, slowly moving towards our side so that when she did attack, it wouldn't affect us also." Uraraka realized and shared to the class.

"Affect us? What'd you mean?" Kaminari's eyebrows furrowed, curious as to what Uraraka was saying.

"Ah!" Yaoyorozu, who was also listening in to their conversation, exclaimed as she figured it out. "Like how pro-heroes minimize the damage they make when fighting against villains. It was to make sure she didn't accidentally hit a student, or in this case, bystanders."

All Might nodded. "That's right. Not only she was planning on how to defeat Bakugou, but also thought about how it would affect the area."

Back at the field, Akimoto's back was facing the class. Bakugou Katsuki on the other hand, was in the middle of the field, shortening the distance between them.

"Both of their quirks are similar, offence rather than defence." All Might points out.

If they learn to cooperate with each other then maybe they would be invincible together. 

The ash-blonde glared at the focused girl in front of him. "Don't go stealing my quirk again, fucking Tangerine." He huffed out. His chest rising and falling, trying to calm his nerves and plan his next move.

Eli was the opposite. She was relaxed and already planned out every move she would use in her head. The first thing she will do is create a flame and manipulate them into a bright blue flame. The strongest and dangerous flame she yields. She won't use it on Katsuki, no. She'll use it to scare him. 

Blue Flare in its full power has a temperature of 1500°C and could burn a body part in no time. She trained long and hard for her to master this flame, and change it into a white flame under a millisecond to prevent a burn.

Katsuki's blood boiled even more at Eli's relaxed figure. "Don't fucking look down on me!" He begins to dash, carefully and pays attention to where Eli would move to. His upper body bent forwards and the palms of his hands already sparking. He suddenly jumps when he neared Eli, stopping the force in his body that made him run and holds out his right hand to start an explosion on Eli's face.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚗'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝 ☆ k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now