Chapter 13

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Thank god she cut me off. If I would have continued any further, I would have literally puked because of the bile rising up and to add to that, the Tuna sandwich I ate fifteen minutes ago was not helping at all. I could feel my face turning pale and green in color like the Grinch ,the fictional character. Don't ask me why do I know him. I just know him okay.

Well, not actual green as him that would be just funny and me over exaggerating... as always.

But haa she agrees with me.

"You both are really weird." Aaron chuckled and Daniel agreed to him.

"But how did you end up talking about this in the first place?" Daniel asked us.

"A scene from K drama" Bib's and I said at the same time to which Ash facepalmed herself and guys rolled their eyes at us.

It's fun to watch K dramas ...err..sometimes.

The bell rang after about ten minutes and all of us went into directions of our classes. The rest of the classes were really boring. We didn't do anything much other than answer worksheets and reading lessons in all of the next classes.

We left for home after half an hour of college ending, as usual. It's like our daily routine to hang out in the parking area after the college ends. Sadly, Eva was not there with us even after college ended. We just got a glimpse of her while she was running with angry and irritated expression behind a tall guy which might be her partner ..I'm not sure,just guessing. Poor her ... I hope that dumbass doesn't cause her much trouble. I have heard that he used to be number one jock and a player in his highschool but changed after he came to college. Ash was in the same school as him that's why I know the details. I am not any alien to know everything. I mean if I was an alien or something and would know everything why would I be stressing myself to find who Mr.Artist is.

Ugh why am I not an alien who knows like everything. Things would have been so simple. I would have been lying in my bed listening to music or binge watching Netflix right now but instead at the moment I am shocked, stressed, happy, scared and what not.. yep all of that just because someone just dropped a HUGEEEEE bomb on me.

Well by someone I meant dummy, who is going to make me go dumb and crazy if he does not stop with his mystery thing and giving me heart attacks.

After I reached home I took a nice shower and ate a mayonnaise omelet which I don't like at all. I had to eat it cause I was very hungry and it was the only thing left. Even mom wasn't home to cook me some delicious food. These were the times I missed her the most and wished that she didn't go to work. I am really selfish and mean, aren't I?

After eating that 'thing', groaning after every bite, I went to my room all excitedly to talk to dummy and he was online luckily.

Well I kinda knew that he was online because of the notification I got on the phone saying 'Mr.Artist is now online'. I didn't install Friends book on my phone until now cause I thought I would be distracted from my studies and would have kept chatting with him all day. He was a bit of distraction as it is because he was always on my mind other than the times I spend with Aaron alone. I tried to think about the answer to the question that popped in my head last night. But I got no answer to it so I just gave up thinking about it and went to sleep.

Anyways I installed the friends book app on my phone as well because why not.. and well that's how I knew he was online.

So at first we were talking all normal and stuff and then we were talking about our day and what all we did.

So me being talkative person I told him how my day was and how I was almost about to puke in cafeteria in front of all the students.

"Haha , yeah I figured that after seeing your pale face."

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