Chapter 2 - Reliving Middle school... TF I didn't even go to middle school

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"Beep Beep Beep Beep"
You slightly stirred as you struggled to keep yourself in your world of unconsciousness. Seeing as you didn't feel like waking up, your computer got triggered
"Y'know what, fuck you and I hope you randomly combust as you get wiped from existence from all parallel universes.
"Glad to see your awake creator, cause right now you have 4 minutes and 34 seconds to get ready for class"

"Bitch please", with that, you snapped your fingers as sound ceased to exist around you, only your silent cursing weaving its way through the air.
"Alright let's go", with that you pick out your f/c t-shirt with your regular pants (Idk leggings or jeans) as you topped it off with a lab coat
You quickly tied up your hair into f/s and popped a pill into your mouth, that counted as breakfast.
"Sigh there's no coffee"

"...Creator, If you don't mind me asking, How are you ok with all of this, yknow that due to this world's lack in technology in this world, there is almost no chance that you will be able to return back home, so how are you so calm"

"Hmmm well, I'm pretty sure I don't mind because I know I can pretty much survive anywhere and that I honestly don't give a shit about home, Everything doesn't actually matter, even if I die, which I cant, nothing big will actually happen. Besides, I have most of my gadgets in my lab coat so I should be fine."
You walked into the bathroom and- "Fuck, I forgot, There's not fuckin plumbus, who in the fucking galaxy doesn't have a plumbus in their house, me, fuckin me."

You quickly brushed your teeth and... other things in the span of a few minutes
"Alright, I'm done". You drank a tiny bit of alcohol

With a snap of your fingers, you heard chirping again as you rushed out the door. Already knowing the fastest pass to the academy, you quickly got over there, running flawlessly as you found yourself knocking at the door marked as (class)
"You may come in", A masculine voice called out
You opened the door and came in as you looked at the whole class seated, turning their heads to you with curiosity.
You looked to see the odd clothing they were wearing
Wtf is that fishnet, whats with this class's shit fashion style
"Just saying You are soo late"
Yep you were definitely late

"Ah, you must be the new student, F/n L/n, Right?
"Oh yeah, that's me, You're the sensei, right?"
"Say you're sorry for being late, even if there's no point, you should".
"Sorry for being late"
Geez, I have to go through this shit again? I graduated from fucking Harvard and this is the shit I have to deal with

"Oh don't worry you were barely late by a second, I'm Iruka and I will be your sensei, anyways go and introduce yourself", you failed to notice the slight blush on his cheek
Sighing, you quickly spoke up "My name is F/n L/n and I hope we get along", you said in a monotone voice
"Or in other words, I don't want to go through this again so please ignore me and don't bother me as much as possible"

You really wanted to talk back at your minuscule robot companion but didn't want to sound crazy on the first day.
While you were resisting the urge to say Go fuck yourself computer, You didn't notice all the looks you were getting from the class. Many stared at you with curiosity as they looked at your strange outfit, but more specifically, Most of the boys were drooling. You were beautiful and cute at the same time, your h/c hair, your sharpened eyes, the honey-sweet melody of your voice, everything about you was enchanting. Even the girls were blushing... Before most of their stares turned to a glare

Despite your want to get this over with, Iruka continued on "Does anyone have any questions"
You cursed in your mind as a bunch of hands raised up

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