Chapter 3: The First Friends

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It's September 1, the day Teddy will arrive at Hogwarts for the very first time. He is really looking forward to it, but he's also very nervous. What if he can't make any friends? But then he remembered Matt. He doesn't need to worry about that. What if he forgets something important? Then
Harry will send it to him. Harry sees the worried look on Teddy's face as he walks by. "There's no need to worry" he said "everything will be fine. And if you need anything just write to us." Harry bought him an owl for his 11th birthday. Teddy named him Remus after his father. He's a barn owl and he's very sweet.

He packed his last things for Hogwarts, and then he, Harry, Ginny, James, Albus and Lily left to go to King's Cross station in London. It's already very busy at King's Cross when they arrive. Ginny explained to Teddy what they have to do to get on the platform. Ginny and Teddy went first and Harry, James, Albus and Lily went after them. Platform 9 3/4 was also already very crowded. Teddy immediately spotted Matt and some girl. Teddy looked at Harry with a questioning look on his face. Harry nodded. "You may go" said Harry "we'll see you later" Teddy walked towards Matt and the girl. "Hey Teddy" said Matt "this is Teddy". He said to the girl.

"Hello" said the girl "my name is Roxy Wilson". They talked for a few minutes, and then Teddy walked back to Harry and Ginny. "It's almost 11 o'clock" said Teddy "can you help me put my luggage on the train." Teddy, Matt and Roxy picked a compartment and put their luggage on the luggage rack. Teddy said goodbye to Harry and the rest and went to sit down in the compartment. Matt and Roxy also came to sit down and the Hogwarts Express left the platform. "Where do you hope to be sorted?" Asked Roxy "I think I want Gryffindor but I would also like Hufflepuff." Teddy who heard everything about the 4 Hogwarts houses at home, knew exactly what he wanted.

"I want to be a Hufflepuff" he said proudly "just like my mother." "I also would like to be a Hufflepuff" said Matt "but actually I don't really care, I just don't want to be a Slytherin. Almost every Dark Wizard came from Slytherin." "I get that" said Teddy "I don't want to be a Slytherin either." "Me neither" responded Roxy. They started talking about their lives at home and about their families. Teddy told them his parents died in the battle of Hogwarts and that he was raised by Harry, because he's Teddy's godfather. Roxy and Matt were listening with their mouths wide open. When Teddy was done talking, they both responded: "you were raised by Harry Potter?!"

Teddy explained more about his situation at home while the train passed a lot of different landscapes. Matt and Roxy knew already a lot about Harry, because he was in a lot of wizarding books, but the topic of conversation changed soon to Quiddtich. They all mensioned their favourite teams. Roxy's favourite team is the Holyhead Harpies and Matt and Teddy both support the Chudley Cannons. The train was already far on its way, and Teddy thought they might had to change into their school robes. When they had their robes on, they could already see Hogwarts. A few minutes later they arrived at Hogsmeade station. Teddy, Matt and Roxy left the train, and Teddy heard a familiar voice.

"Firs'-years, Firs'-years over here!" the voice said "Hey Teddy!" "Hey Hagrid" Teddy said "this is Matt and this is Roxy" "A friend of Teddy's a friend of mine" said Hagrid happily "hey kids!" Hagrid waved at Matt and Roxy. "You know him?" Roxy asked "he's so ... big?" "Yeah," said Teddy "that's Hagrid, he's a friend of Harry's." Roxy and Matt also greeted Hagrid while they walked to the boats. The 3 kids chose the boat with Hagrid and they sailed across the black lake towards the castle. After 20 minutes they were at the castle doors and all the children left the boats and walked towards the doors. Hagrid opened them and everyone walked into the entrance hall. An old witch was waiting for them. Her name was professor McGonagoll.

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