Arjun: forget me. I bet you, all Ved does is flirt with girls in lectures.

Veer: I do not! I only talk with Lisa and Mia.

Me: your favourite girls to flirt with.

Veer: I hate you. 

I rolled my eyes as we continued going through the revision papers. However everytime I tried to focus on the questions, my mind wandered somewhere else...I was thinking about someone instead of my studies. No I wasn't thinking about Mariam, I was thinking about Gauri. Oh god! I just wanted to leave this stupid and useless revision session and go back home to know Gauri better but unfortunately I was stuck in school listening to Veer and Arjun complaining about stuff they didn't listen to in their lectures.

Veer: accha Om, tell me this...are you thinking of some girl?

Me: why?

Veer: your face muscles were relaxed and you wasn't looking at the papers. Who is she?

Me: stupid, there is no girl

Arjun: you was stuttering? Is it Riddhima?

Me: eww no! I lost all feelings for her 8 months ago.

Veer: is it Svetlana?

Me: hell naw!

Arjun: it has to be Ishana.

Me: I am surrounded by idiots. 

Arjun and Veer: who is it? Is it Mishti?

Teacher supervising: Arjun, Veer shut up! Focus on those papers else you will fail!

Arjun: sorry sir.

Thanks to that teacher, those two stopped trying to guess who I was thinking of, I mean they weren't getting anywhere close because it wasn't anyone in school, it was a girl at my house at this very moment as I studied those stupid papers. 


Finally the revision session was over. I got into my car and started to drive. Throughout that entire revision session, all I was thinking about was Gauri. Even whilst driving back home, Gauri was in my mind. I only saw her for a couple of minutes before leaving the house and already she was occupying my thoughts. 

"Hey Mariam, I'm home!"

I said as I opened the door to the house after a 2 hour revision session. Even though I announced the fact that I was home, Mariam didn't come running to me to give me a hug. Where was that girl? Where was her friend and Gauri? Why was the house quiet?

"Okay now Gauri didi, now your turn."

At last I heard Mariam's voice and I knew immediately where she was....I went upstairs and entered my room where she, Kesari and Gauri were on my bed playing Uno. I cleared my throat, making the girls look at me.

Mariam: hi bhaiya, sorry you can't play Uno with us. If you play with us, then we have to restart the game. 

Me: not like I wanted to anyway. How come you're in my room?

Gauri: arre Mariam, you told me that this was a guest room.

Mariam: oops!

Me: Mariam....

Gauri: Om, I am so sorry. I didn't know this was your room. Mariam told me this was a guest room. I am so so so sorry. Please don't be angry on Mariam.

Uff! How could I be angry on Mariam after hearing Gauri and looking at those cute eyes she was making at me? I smiled, saying: it's fine. No need to say sorry.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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