Can Somebody Help Me?

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I don't know what to say. The feeling is in between. Between happy and scared. That I start something new with the new circle of friendship. There's a guilty feeling because I knew them from someone who used to be my best friend now turn to be my first enemy. But everyone said that it is okay. Still, I'm afraid making a new circle. It's traumatic to have someone close and betrayed us by stab our back silently.

I'm scared that nobody like my personality because everyone told me that I'm a weird one. With my mental illness inside, nobody will understand how it feels. The feeling of emptiness and needing someone to talk to. And I know that not everyone can share everything with me. Because they have their own problem. I should understand them at first then hoping they would understand me later soon.

Is it normal to have a feeling like this? Like I don't deserve the kindness from people around me? Like I don't want to be around people?

I think I need a doctor. My doctor.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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