"Hollow.." Ichigo muttered.

Hollows were human souls that had failed to pass on.. or were consumed by other hollows.. they varried in appearence and abilities.. but all held some of the same traits.. a hole in their bodies to symbolize that the heart was gone.. and a white mask to shield their base instinct from the outside world..masks that were usually skull like in appearence.. They all instinctually desired to devour other souls..

It was a Soul Reaper's duty to slay hollows. So though Ichigo didn't know if this meant that Kishin and Hollows were similar, or the same, he knew that either way.. it was currently his duty to find it and reap it.."

"Come on Patty." said Ichigo. "We're going to get you something to eat.."

"YAY!! Ice cream!?"

"No.. a Kishin egg.."

"That'll taste like ice cream?!"

"I don't know.."

As Ichigo walked off in the direction of an old cathedral... up in the sky.. sitting on a Witch's broom with her back against the moon, was Medusa Gorgon herself...wearing a dark hooded dress more befitting of a Witch..

"Well... Eruka turned out to be a huge dissapointment after all." said Medusa licking her lips. "But in the end, it still turned up for the best.. you are going to amuse me quite a lot.. Substitute Soul Reaper.. Hmm? What's this?"

Medusa turned her head and noticed two other familiar individuals making their way through Paris on a motorbike...

"Maka and Soul hmm?" said Medusa. "Well, what are they doing here? In any case, I'll keep a sharp eye on them as well.."


12 minutes later.. Ichigo and Patty inched the door of the apparently silent church open... the pews were all empty.. and moonlight was streaming down from the stainglass window in an eirie fashion...everything looked neat, clean.. and orderly.. a little too orderly..

"Careful.." said Ichigo. "Whatever this thing is.. it's nearby."

Ichigo and Patty entered the building, as they did.. Patty began to call out.

"Hellloooooooo!? Mr. Kishin Egg!!?"

"Shussshh!!" Ichigo put a finger to his lips as he turned into his Soul Reaper form in a burst of light. "Do you want the entire world to hear us!?"

"Teehee.. sorry.."

Suddenly.. a voice spoke out..." I-I don't know how to deal with this..."

Ichigo spun around to find a strange looking pink haired somebody, wearing a black dress-like robe of some sort.. with a white collar and cufflinks on her sleeves... she was shaking around nervously, a strange frightened look on her face... "I-I don't know how to deal with all of this.."

Ichigo stepped back a bit. "Er.. hey.. are you okay? You... you.. wait.. " Ichigo was now trying to figure out if this person was a guy or a girl... which was so far.. a complete mystery."

"I don't know how to deal with all these people coming in at once.." the person muttered.

"Hey.. who is she?" said Patty starng curiously. "Does she have my ice cream?"

"I-I'm Crona.." said Crona with another nervous glance. "Oh no.. I introduced myself. H-how am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Crona you idiot!!" a voice echoed. Out of Crona's back.. a black liquid exploded out and morphed into a muscular humanoid form.. that seemed attatched to Crona. It had a white X on it's face with two bulbous eyes that had Xs for pupils.. it's hands were wore white gloves.. and it's muscular body had some scattered spikes near his shoulders and his back..

Soul Reapers Work For Death: Book 1, World of DeathDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora