✈︎ 𝑊𝐴𝑇𝐸𝑅 ✈︎

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  You grumbled as you neared the bench, wiping away stray tears that had fallen from your eyes. You flung your F/C beach towel over the bench, starting to remove your clothes.

  'I wanna swim. I don't care if the water's cold, I need to be numb. Or to feel something other than feeling pissed off.'

  You smoothed down the bathing suit you had worn underneath your clothes, narrowing your eyes at it as you touched it. You flashed-back to earlier today, your anger and resentment growing.


  "Why are you so lazy?" Your mother said bluntly, making you look up from your phone, confused. You and your family were currently driving to the beach, and you were quiet the whole entire car ride.

  "Uh, what do you mean?"

  "Every time I see you, you're always on your goddamn phone. Don't you do anything else with your life except stare at a screen? Why not look at the scenery? When I was your age, I didn't have half the shit you have now."

  "Mom, I always go on my phone during car rides. What's the big deal?"

  "Are you talking back to me?"

  "No! I'm just asking—"

  "Don't you raise your voice at me!"

  "Be respectful to your mother!" Your father chimed in, glancing back at you from the rearview mirror. You pursed your lips, frustration bubbling up inside of you.

  "I'm not saying anything wrong, though! I'm just—"

  "SHUT UP! YOU ARE BEING FUCKING RUDE!" Your dad roared, glaring at you.

  "I am your mother and you will talk to treat me with respect! Do you think that if anyone saw how you were acting right now, they would agree with you? Your grandma, your grandpa, your aunt?!" Your mother screamed, eyes bulging out of her sockets and a vein throbbing in her forehead. You shrank back from her, trembling.


  "Then why the fuck do you keep on misbehaving?! F/N, turn this fucking car around! I'm sick of her acting like a little bitch and then getting rewarded for her bad behavior!"



  And so, you had gone back home, getting yelled at even as you walked into your house. You hadn't bothered to change into new clothes, which explained the bathing suit and the beach towel. Tears spilled out of your eyes as you dipped your feet into the water, your body lightly shivering with the coldness.

"L/N, why are you in the water?"

You turned around to see Todoroki staring blankly at you, his head tilted to the side with curiosity. You smiled at him, wiping away the tears from your cheeks and eyes.

"Just going for a little dip. Wanna join me?"

"I don't have appropriate clothing for swimming."

"Aah, dang. That's a bummer." You sighed, trudging further into the murky water. Todoroki pursed his lips and watched as you waded further and further into the river, shivering as the water rose up your body. He longed to swim with you, to play in the water. The temptation to either take off his clothes and jump in or swim in his clothes was eating away at him, unbearably so. You glanced back at him, eyes twinkling softly and a grin on your face.

"It's c-cold."

Todoroki's heart fluttered and he walked towards the riverbank, making his way into the water. Your eyes widened as he made his way over to you, trembling from the cold shock. You giggled, cheeks flushing as he dipped his head into the water.

"Isn't it cold, Todoroki? And you don't have a spare change of clothes!"

He lifted his head from the water, pushing his wet hair back. "I can warm it up with my quirk. And I can probably dry my clothes, as well."

You grinned and sunk yourself deeper underwater, disappearing into the murky depth. Confusion struck Todoroki, and he leaned down to where you had disappeared, only to get a gigantic splash in the face.

"Hehe, gotcha!" You laughed, eyes sparkling with amusement. Todoroki shook his head back and forth, water droplets flying out of his hair. He looked up at you, frowning.

"Why would you do that, L/N? Doesn't that count as assault?"

"You can get me back! Consider it...water war!" You said excitedly, bouncing up and down. Todoroki eyed you suspiciously, then lightly splashed you with water. You laughed, shaking your head. "C'mon, I know you can do better than that! Give me all you got!"

Todoroki nodded and bent his knees, and with one sweep of his arms he had enveloped you in a wave of water. Water spouted out of your mouth as you rubbed your eyes, then pushed your hair out of your face. You beamed at the boy, eyes shining.

"Now that's more like it!"

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