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  Todoroki nodded along as you vented, feeling pity for you. In a way, you were just like him. Coming from a broken family, constantly feeling worthless, bottled up anger and sorrow.

  He truly felt sorry for you.

  "...I just want to have a happy, normal life." You finished, breathing raggedly. You could feel hot tears streaming down your cheeks, and your face reddened from embarrassment. Crying in front of a stranger? Humiliating. Todoroki hummed, staring out across the river. You blushed even more, attempting to rub away your tears.

  "G-gosh, I'm sorry for crying like this, I'm so embarrassed..."

  "Don't be." Todoroki said bluntly, making your eyes widen. He turned to look at you, gaze softening. "You should never be ashamed to cry. It's natural to want to express your emotions."

  "B-b-but don't you think I'm weird for crying in front of you? You don't even know me!"

  "I don't think you're weird at all, L/N, I think you're just someone who hasn't been treated as they should be."

  You pursed your lips, struggling to keep more tears from flowing out. "T-thank you, Todoroki. Thank you so much."

  Todoroki smiled softly at you, then turned back to look at the river. "I come out here too, sometimes, when I need to calm myself. Being at home is suffocating."

  You stared at him, still sniffling. You wiped away the tears from your eyes, eyeing the large red scar on the side of his face. "I-I'm sorry if this is a personal question, but what happened to your face? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

  Todoroki turned to you, a pained smile on his face. "All I will say is that the left side of my face has always been a burden to me."

You blinked, sniffing. "I think the left side of your face is beautiful, scar and all."

The boy's eyes widened and he exhaled shakily. "R-really?"

  You smiled at him, closing your eyes. "Yeah! Sorry if that's weird for me to say, but I like it a lot!"

Todoroki's cheeks flushed slightly and he smiled, looking down at the ground. "Thank you, L/N. That means a lot to me."

"Of course! Also, I'm so sorry for saying that you couldn't understand what I went through, earlier. I'm sure you must have some sort of trauma of your own."

"It's alright. I don't mind."

You felt your heart flutter and you beamed, your mood slightly better now. "So, Todoroki, what school do you go to?"

"I go to UA."

"Oh, really? I do too!"

"I see."

"What class and grade are you in?"

"I'm in 1-A, in my last year."

"Aah, cool! The Hero Course, eh? I'm in my last year, too, but I'm in 1-B!"


"What's your quirk?"

"One side of my body freezes, the other burns."

"Wow, cool!"

"And yours?"

"Aah, nothing too flashy. I can stretch and squish my body like rubber. Gives me a stomachache, though."

"That's a nice quirk."

You smiled at Todoroki, sniffling slightly. "Maybe if we see each other at school we can say hi."

Todoroki smiled back, eyes twinkling softly. "I would like that."


You and Todoroki turned around and you gasped, quickly standing up. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I probably got you in trouble!"

"It's fine. My father always yells."

"I-I should probably go back now, though, my parents will probably notice I've been out!"

Todoroki stared at you amusedly, smiling gently. "Alright. But before you leave, just know that you can come out here to clear your mind whenever you want."

You smiled sheepishly back at him as you started to walk away, heart thumping and cheeks flushing. "Thank you!"

Todoroki watched you leave, his heart feeling unusual warmth. There was something about you that made it so easy for him to talk to you, something special.

He really hoped that you would come back again.

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