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'Again with the arguing.' You thought bitterly to yourself as the muffled shouts of your parents drowned out the music playing through your earbuds. You sighed in annoyance as you unplugged the earbuds from the headphone jack, taking them out of your ears and tossing them onto your bed.

It was currently nighttime, and your parents were, yet again, fighting.

"Why can't my family be healthy?" You sighed, stroking Creampuff as you leaned against your door. Creampuff looked up at you innocently, tilting her head as you pet her. You smiled adoringly at the dog, eyes twinkling softly. "You're the only normal one in this family, Cream."

"Y/N L/N, you better have finished unpacking!" Your mother shouted from the kitchen, making you sigh quietly. You opened the door slightly, craning your neck to look out of the space.

"Yes, mom, I did!"

"I'm gonna go check! If you didn't, you're gonna be in big fucking trouble!"

"Alright!" You shouted, getting up off the ground and dusting yourself off.

"Don't you raise your voice at me!"

"I...didn't?" You said loudly, confusion overtaking you. "I just called back to you!"

"Are you saying I'm lying?!"

"Oh my god...no, I didn't say that!"

"That's not what your tone's telling me!"

You groaned in frustration, anger bubbling up inside of you. You pursed your lips and shook your head, trying not to slam the door as you closed it. Creampuff licked your hand, looking up at you worriedly. You gave her a gentle smile, despite how much you were seething.

  "I-I'm fine, Cream. I just need to clear my head."

  Your eyes flickered over to the large window by the bathroom door and you sighed, walking over to it. You paused, your fingers ghosting over the sleek glass.

  "I've never snuck out before. I'll get in so much trouble."

  "Shut the fuck up!"  You heard your mother screech, and then heard the sound of a door being slammed. You let out a shaky exhale, slightly rattled by the loud noises. You looked back longingly at the window, pursing your lips and furrowing your eyebrows.

  "They won't notice. I need to get out of this place."

  You carefully slid the window open, heart pounding as you glanced back at your locked door. You gulped, turning back to the now open window. A cool breeze blew into your room, the cold air kissing the skin on your arm and giving you goosebumps. You shivered, inspecting the window carefully. You turned to Creampuff, a smile on your face.

  "You think I'll be able to fit through here?"

  The small corgi spun in a circle, barking in approval. You giggled, already putting your legs through the large hole.

  "Stamp of approval, eh? Well, then, here goes nothing!"

You grasped onto the edge of the windowsill, carefully slipping out of the window. Creampuff jumped onto the windowsill, yipping happily. You giggled as you landed on the ground, feeling a sudden rush of thrill and excitement. Y/N L/N, the girl who had never stayed up past 9 pm, had snuck out. Creampuff wagged her tail excitedly, her large brown eyes sparkling. You started to walk backwards, cupping a hand around your mouth as you waved to her.

  "Bye, Creampuff!" You whisper-shouted, making the small mutt howl happily. You smiled and turned around, starting to jog down the gravel pathway. Streetlights illuminated your path, the dim light seemingly making each pebble glow. You started to slow down, and your sense of excitement you had before faded. Thoughts rushed into your mind, and now you were feeling on edge. What if they noticed you had left? Would Creampuff be alright on her own?

Why did you still feel so sad?

  You felt tears prick your eyes and you sighed, sitting down on a bench at the edge of the riverbank you had arrived at. The solemn silence that spread throughout the block brought sadness upon you, and you realized just how lonely you were.

  You wished desperately at that moment that someone, anyone, would come to comfort you and to make you feel better.

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