chapter 1 - Androphobia

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Izuku's father yelled obscenities in his ear while waving a knife in the air above his head, though all of his words fell on deaf ears. Absorbed by pain, Izuku could only hear the muffled yelling of his father and a seemingly endless ringing in his ears, he could only focus on the searing pain of knife wounds in his back, they crisscrossed randomly to cause him more pain.

After a few more muffled words and curses from Hisashi, Izuku's hair is yanked up. Hisashi's face came close to Izuku's, he could faintly smell the alcohol on his breath. He yelled something along the lines of "answer me, you useless disgrace" although it was all muffled to Izuku.

Izuku squinted slightly to try and focus on his father's face, though to no avail. His father gave up on getting an answer, and a few seconds later Izuku's head was thrown back onto the floor while Hisashi repositioned himself over Izuku.

Izuku knew immediately what was happening. It had only happened a few times before this, but this sort of torture was sure to leave a lasting memory no matter how many times it had happened. It could not be avoided, Izuku knew that, so he did his best to prepare. He tucked his arms and other limbs as far into his body as he could, covering his neck desperately while also trying to preserve his useful body parts.

Hisashi was standing above his son enjoying seeing him writhe in pain. He spread his feet slightly while also feeling his throat heat up, smoke started to pour out of his nostrils, his cheeks swelled slightly, all signs of his quirk being activated.

Fire spilled out of his mouth onto his son's back for no more than seven seconds, but that was all he needed for damage to be done. When the smoke cleared his face spit into a sadistic grin, his son was curled into a fetal position on the floor, scorch marks around his body. His mouth was opened into a silent scream while his eyes wept with unshed tears, the best part was that he was still awake.

Hisashi laughed, he'd never get a high better than this, he loved seeing the pain, knowing he did that, he made that, it was all under his control. This was why Inko had died, she didn't want him in control, she tried to stop him, she was trying to gain control. And he could never have that. 

Izuku was in pain, that was all he could register. Nothing else made sense, nothing else even mattered. Why would it when he was dying? He could feel unconsciousness pulling at his eyes, but it was a welcome escape, the pain that came before it not so much.

His back was sizzling, his hands were burned, and even his hairline was slightly scorched. And it burned, all his clothes touched by the fire were burnt ashes on the floor, the residue hurting his back. It was all too much, it was so hot that it felt cold. Izuku could only feel the milder burns, the rest were presumably too much.

Izuku's vision started to fade quicker with every passing second, he started to fall out of his position but the movement elicited a new wave of pain to come forward, it knocked him unconscious immediately.


authors note:

Hey guys, this is my first fanfic I'm putting out here, so don't be afraid to correct me. I'd love any and all criticism (as long as it's constructive). Any comments are welcome, I hope you enjoy! This is also a first draft, so once I finish the story I'll rewrite it :)

Future Author-Chan here! I just wanted to welcome any incoming readers, also, I think that my writing gets a bit icky halfway through the story, but I recover eventually. So thank you guys for sticking through it all with me :) I love all of you!

Also! if anybody wants to use any of the quirks I use here I totally don't mind if you do! I've thought up most of the quirks that aren't canon, but creativity is communal, and it really doesn't affect me either way if you do happen to use the quirks in your own fics! I don't mind if you credit me or not, really whatever is fine! (Though I'd love if you guys sent me your own fics so I can read them, I've been on the hunt for some good reads)

Also, I know later on in the story I say I respond to all the comments, but I'm not in the best mental spot rn so I'm trying to focus more on my current fic than this one. Comments are still welcomed, but I don't think I'll be responding to any anymore :( Thank you everyone for understanding!

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