Chapter 36 - Kalon

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Double update? kinda? close together update lol. Just wanna say, you guys are kinda lucky, I asked a friend "cat or murder" and he chose cat. No murder in this chapter... maybe. I'll find a way to make this not seem like a pointless detour in the story line, I know I did that a lot before this lol. hope y'all enjoy!

Izuku bid his classmates good night before running back to his room, he needed to make sure that Eri was safe in bed. Once he arrived, he unlocked the door and told the creatures around the room that they were off duty. Most of them flew back towards his closet, where they preferred to sleep.

Izuku tip-toed towards Eri's bed, kissing her goodnight before laying down in his own. Sleep never came easy for Izuku, sometimes never at all. He knew he had a bad sleep schedule, but he was still able to absorb needed energy every morning, so he knew it would be fine in the end.

He simply lay there pondering his life, mostly what Aizawa would find. What was All Might doing? Especially at an abandoned Yakuza base! Izuku held a lot of hate for the man, but his distrust in him towered over that. Izuku didn't know what to do about the hero, he couldn't afford another kink in his plans.

Izuku heard a soft knock on his door, hard enough to be heard, but light enough to not wake someone who was sleeping.

Izuku walked to his door and slipped out as quiet as he could. He saw black hair before the person's face, signalling who the man was automatically. Izuku closed the door softly behind him and stepped closer to Aizawa.

"I couldn't follow him, we can't do anything about it yet." Aizawa whispered, shame and guilt laced his tone. Aizawa had wanted to be able to track down the hero but he seemed to disappear into thin air, there were no tracks or any other sign of where the lanky man could possibly be. There was nothing Aizawa could do or anything that could lead to an investigation.

Izuku nodded, he understood what his father was saying, he could practically see the guilt dripping out of his words. Izuku moved to give Aizawa a hug, but hesitated slightly. He didn't want to push boundaries, and something like that might be too far. Luckily Aizawa didn't notice any hesitation, or if he did he didn't show it, and gathered Izuku into a hug.

The pair split after a few minutes, too caught up in the new step in their relationship to notice how long had passed. Izuku slipped back into his room quietly, laying back down, and for once sleep came easily.


The new villain group bounded along roof tops, easily being able to balance and run as if they weren't on a slanted tiled surface. Aizawa was impressed, he honestly didn't expect his students to pick it up that quickly, but maybe he should've expected that under Izuku's supervision. His son was impressive.

Aizawa had ordered his students to listen for any distress calls, shady figures they could investigate, or any obnoxious hero to bother. Of course they were under strict orders to do no harm, and Izuku was leading them, so Aizawa didn't have any concerns about the public's general welfare at their hands.

Izuku stopped a few buildings ahead of Aizawa, the group following. Aizawa stopped behind them, allowing them to have enough space to figure out the problem but close enough to help.

Izuku jumped down into the alleyway between buildings, sticking his hand out in a stay there motion. Aizawa moved closer, enabling himself to watch both Izuku and his students.

Izuku was inching towards a dark corner of the space, he had obviously seen something there no one else had. He crouched down beside a small metal trash can, holding his hands out as offering to whatever being lay behind it. Aizawa tensed slightly, he couldn't see what Izuku could, didn't know what the boy was reaching towards.

Izuku leant completely into the dark corner, his whole body enveloped in shadows, completely cutting off Aizawa's view of the boy.

Aizawa jumped down, motioning for his class to stay up on the roof top. Izuku's back was faced towards him, Aizawa stayed a respectful distance away, allowing his son freedom in his problem-solving.

Izuku scooted back on his heels from his crouched position, moving away from the trash can a bit, seemingly to allow whatever lived there space. Izuku moved his hands forward once more, though Aizawa still couldn't tell what was happening because of his position behind Izuku. The boy stood up slowly, his head looking down at something in his arms. Aizawa could guess easily what it was, Izuku had come to him many times concerned about situations like these.

Aizawa's prediction was proven correct when Izuku turned around with a small kitten in his arms, his face split into a dazzling smile that threw Aizawa's heart for a loop. He knew what Izuku was going to ask, he knew that Izuku was using puppy eyes for a reason.

Aizawa threw his head back in a sigh while his students giggled above his head. Why was everyone against him? The students jumped down beside Izuku, cooing over the cat they knew Aizawa couldn't resist. He did have to admit, it was a cute cat.

Aizawa sighed again. no one cared about his mental stress, did they? They all knew Izuku would manage to make Aizawa ask Nezu about keeping the cat, and the man didn't want to go through another one of those conversations. His body shivered at the thought. Never again!

"You are going to ask Nezu."

Izuku sighed in resignation, Aizawa could tell that he was simply imitating his own dramatic sighs, he started thinking that maybe he shouldn't have taught his problem child that.

Aizawa motioned for Izuku to hand over the small cat, he gave a small frown at the request but let Aizawa take it anyway. Aizawa put it in his scarf, he'd have to deep wash the scarf after this, there was always a chance of the cat having fleas and Aizawa didn't want fleas himself.

Izuku smiled at Aizawa before scaling the wall once more, he knew that Aizawa was an expert in keeping cats in his scarf, so he had no worries about leaving his new friend in his father's care. The cat had a different idea, it struggled lightly when it saw Izuku leave, obviously attached to the boy already. But could Aizawa blame it? He wouldn't want to be left in the care of someone who looked like him either if he were the cat.

Aizawa pet behind the cat's ear, effectively calming it down enough that he could direct the rest of his students to follow Izuku. Aizawa sighed once more, he really had a lot of problem children on his hands, but maybe he should stop sighing so much, he didn't need Izuku trying to sass him by sighing like he had been.

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