Spencer walked into the BAU and was immediately greeted by Gracia saying they had a case in New Mexico. He sighed and texted Lexie.

Hey, I'm leaving for NM for a case, I'll call you tonight when I'm at the hotel. Have a good day.

He sat at the round table in this normal seat next to JJ. He was sad he wouldn't be able to eat dinner and be with Lexie tonight. His nights spent at Lexie's were some of the best moments of his life. He loved sitting on her couch eating chinese and laughing at Caroline's drunk slurred works. His teammates were his family, he loved them more than anything, now Lexie and Caroline were in his circle. They were a part of his family.

"Alright Crime Fighters, today were are flying to the land of Santa Fe, New Mexico." Gracia piped as she clicked to pictures of the crime scene. Photos of dead bodies filled the screen. "Four bodies have been found in large bodies of water, all died from being shot execution-style." Gracia cringed as she looked away from the screen.

"Forensic countermeasure," Emily stated.

The team consulted for a few more minutes until Hotch spoke up.

"Wheels up in 30."


"Charge to 200! Clear!" The patient's eyes flew open and he took a deep breath. "Thank god" Lexie breathed.

Lexie's shift started less than two hours ago, she already brought two patients back to life. She could tell this was going to be a long day. 

She left for her boards in two weeks. She was more stressed than ever, she had memorized every flashcard Spencer or Caroline had shown her. She is more nervous to fly. She had not been on a plane since the crash. She shuddered at the thought, flying scared her more than anything, maybe she would call Meredith and ask her for advice.

"Grey! Massive trauma in the pit!" She whipped her head around and started jogging to the pit in hopes of getting a good case. She gowned and gloved up, ready to meet the ambulances. Caroline soon joined her in the ambulance bay.

The two jogged up to the first ambulance that parked since Lexie was chief resident she got any case she wanted.

"GSW to the chest and right thigh. He coded on the way here, but he's stable now." Lexie nodded at the EMT and rolled the man inside the hospital.

"Alright I need a chest tube and he needs to go to-" She was interrupted by the man coding. "I need the crash cart!" Lexie yelled, when she was in the ER her voice was always heard.

"Charge to 150! Clear!" She held the paddles to the man's chest and shocked him, his body jolting up fast and flopping back down, his body hitting the gurney hard.

"Damnit, Charge to 200! Clear!" Lexie shocked the man again, nothing.

She shocked the man four more times, nothing each time. Lexie crushed under her breath and finally called it.

"Time of death 10:17." She threw her gloves and gown in the garbage bin in frustration. Caroline joined her as they sat in a deserted hallway on an empty gurney. Lexie pulled out her phone. She frowned when she read Spencer's text about leaving for a case. She loved hanging out with him. She was sad, but she definitely understood. Lexie had to cancel many dates because she had surgery.

Okay. I'll be looking forward to your call :).

She sighed and opened the bag of chips Caroline had gotten for her.

"What's up? Caroline asked Lexie was frowning while looking down at her phone.

"Spencer's in New Mexico for a case, he doesn't know how long he'll be gone." She sighed looking up at Caroline who was sending a smirk Lexie's way. "What?" Lexie chuckled.

Pretty Genius ; reid x greyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ