Black Dog

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Gore warning :)

My skin itched at his words, a tickle in the back of my mind that I hadn't felt for months making an appearance. Instinct. Part of me wanted to lunge forward and rip his heart from his chest before he could even react.

I didn't.

I quelled the tide of instinct inside of me, my wolf falling silent once more. We were in this together now. She trusted me. But that didn't stop me from wanting to tear this bastard to shreds.

My eyes flicked to Booth, who seemed to be barely standing on his own. He looked exhausted, thinner even, but his jaw was set and his blue eyes were clear. His gaze met mine.

"You alright, Booth?" I called out over the roar of the raging inferno behind me. Braxton's grin faded, his brows twitching downwards into a clearly confused frown. I flexed my hands at my sides, my knuckles burning.

"Better than ever," Booth answered with a confident smile, his gums and teeth stained pink from blood. I scowled at that, taking in the mess of bruises, cuts, and burns that littered his skin. Burns much like those that danced across Caeden's skin wove over Booth's shoulders and around his torso. Silver burns.

The woman beside the Tervuren's side scoffed and set one foot forward in a near challenging way. My lips twitched up in a poorly hidden snarl, but I kept my eyes on Booth. "Did you not hear-"

At that, I snapped my gaze to her and she fell silent, blue eyes that held an oddly familiar shade widening a fraction. "I wasn't talking to you," I spat, barely containing my rage. My skin prickled and burned with a fire that I hadn't felt since the night of the car crash nearly a year ago. I saw red in the corner of my vision and my body shook, every muscle telling me to lunge forward and accept his challenge.

It was an innate behavior. Challenges brought a massive rise of emotion in all parties - the bystanders watched with curiosity, some salivating and lusting for blood. They were antsy, snapping and biting at each other out of aggression that hadn't been there four minutes ago. My back strained with each breath, my spine expanding ever so slightly to accommodate my shift that was just below the surface. The crowd was ready for a fight, and if they didn't get one soon, they were going to make one.

I squared my shoulders and faced Braxton, a stern glare on my features that would have made nearly any other skinwalker crumble. Instead, his lips quirked up in a confident smirk. I hated it.

"I suggest you give me my beta back," I spoke coolly, as levelly as I could manage with the boiling inferno inside me. "We can settle this civilly."

Braxton barked out a laugh and shook his head, not quite believing what he was seeing. "There's nothing civil about this, sweetheart. This is war," he raised one hand and flicked his wrist toward the graying man at his side. The man flicked his eyes to the tervuren and swallowed dryly before lunging forward.

Sasha screamed beside me as the man's claws extended, reaching for Booth's throat. I burst forward, wrenching away from the hold Marcus had on my sleeve. Time slowed as the man's palm wrapped around Booth's throat, lips drawn back in a grimace. I wasn't going to make it before his claws ripped into Booth's flesh.

And suddenly both of them were flying. A snarl tore through the glade as a black mass crashed into the pair, sending them both sprawling in the dirt. Fangs ripped into the graying man's clothes, catching his skin and pulling. He dropped to his stomach while Booth rolled onto his side, shuffling away from their attacker.

Yips and howls of excitement filled the clearing as two more mutts stumbled into view, a thin, wiry red-brown dog snapping at the onlookers while the massive jaws of a mountain dog gripped Booth's shoulder lightly, dragging him backward. Hidalgo and I raced forward, grabbing Booth wherever we could and dragged him towards us.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon