Chapter Three: Kiss the Girl

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Artwork? Of all the things I could have given her she wants art? If it gets her to cooperate, then I guess I'll buy them.
Beep beep! I take out my phone. Riley has sent the photos. I can understand why she wants them; the are ravishing. I recognise one instantly. I zoom the picture in to see the signature. No way! This was painted by my grandfather! The art work was titled "Welcome to New York" as it was a city skyline at dusk. I smile and walk the rest of the way home.

My eyes flutter open. I twist onto my side and check the time. Only 4:00am. I roll back over to see my phone vibrating. Riley has sent a message.

Meet me at "The Tree" at 7:30. Riles xxx.

I frown. Riley never gets to school this early. But then I remember. On two exact minutes later Georgi walks past where Riley indicated. It's our first chance. I set the phone down and close my eyes.

Only what seems like minted later I wake up to my alarm buzzing. It was 6:30 I jump out of bed and get dressed for school.

At 7:30, I walk over to "The Tree" to see Riley is waiting for me.
"Hey!" she says as I approach. I nod back.
"Stand over there," Riley says as she points to the fence. "And walk over when you see Georgi." she finishes.
"Okay." I reply. I go and get into position. Two minutes later, Georgi comes strutting up the path flanked by two other girls. I start to walk to Riley, then run when she's in view.
"Hey!" I say loudly. I grab Riley's waist gently, lift her up, and spin her in the air before setting her down. She grabs my collar and pulls me forwards. I lean in and my lips crash against hers. They taste like strawberry chapstick. I let the kiss linger before pulling away. Riley giggles. I smile, and wonder if it worked, but I don't dare turn around. I hear a scoff followed by high heels trotting away in perfect synchronisation. I smile.
"I guess it worked." Riley says as she blushes. She looks at her feet. I take her hand and lead her inside.

After Mr O'Brien's class came lunch. Riley and I walk to the cafeteria holding hands, giving each other an occasional peck on the lips or a quick hug. I find a table near Georgi and sit down. Riley sits beside me, laying her head on my shoulder. I lift my arm and start to stroke her hair. My fingers disappear at the top of her luscious locks and don't show up until they're at the bottom. Riley's hair is silky smooth, like always. I smile. Riley wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my into a kiss. Our lips collided and a burst of warmth flooded into my veins. I never knew it could be so good to kiss someone.

A/N HI GUYS SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! I had writers block and I literally had trouble grasping the characters.

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