Chapter One: Operation "Jealous Georgi"

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"What do you mean?" I say.
"I mean we're through." Georgi turns on her heel and stomps away, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder as she walks towards her snobby friends.
Beep! I pull out my phone.

Georgi Gardner's relationship status is now single.

I sigh heavily. She just being a stuck up bitch. She always comes crawling back. I find a bench and sit down. It just happened so fast. And Georgi's never come down on me so hard before. The pain in my heart is excruciating. I've never felt heartbreak like this before. I get up and walk to the wall. I punch, kick and scream at the wall to let my emotions out. How will I ever get over the end of this relationship.

Walking inside, I spot the familiar blonde ringlets that belonged to Georgi. She was pinned against the smooth wall by someone on the football team.
"She's such a slut." I mutter.
"Who are we talking about?" says someone behind me. I turn around. My best friend, Riley, was standing there.
"Oh, hi Riley. I'm talking about Georgi, she just-"
"Dumped you," Riley finishes. "Everyone in the entire school knows."
"And," Riley adds. "You don't even know the meaning of slut." I smirk.
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really. I even," She reaches into her bag and pulls out Visual Arts diary and flicks through a few pages. "Have a drawing of a slut." Riley turns the book around. On the page, there is an average ordinary girl, standing in a messy bedroom.
"Okay, that may be right, but just because you don't believe in modern language-" The shrinking of a bell cuts him off.
"Come on, we'll be late." says Riley. She grabs my arm and yanks me down the hall.

Sitting in English, I glance at Riley. Until now, I've never really realised how pretty Riley was. From her straight blonde hair, to her soft blue eyes, to her curves, to her thighs, all the way down to her ankles. A face looks down at me.
"Oh, Mr O'Brien, I uh, didn't see you there."
"Have you been paying attention to my class Dylan?" Mr O'Brien raises his eyebrows.
"Pfft. Of course!"
"Who wrote Moby Dick?" Asks the teacher.
"Moby who?" Mr O'Brien just points to the door.
"Get out." He states.
I shrug my shoulders, pack my bag, then go to sit out in the hallway.

Moby Dick? It sounded like a porn story. At least, it does in my own opinion. I sit outside until the bell rings. I stand and wait for Riley. As I wait I pull out my phone to search up Moby Dick. Halfway through my research I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Riley.
"What are you doing!" she says. Riley glances at the screen, then scowls.
"What? Mr O'Brien mentioned it. It's a very interesting story. Right now, the guy called Moby is showing his girlfriend his-"
"Eww!" screams Riley. "That's not Moby Dick! The actual story is about a whale."
"Is the whale's girlfriend sexy?" Riley just shakes her head, then walks down the hall.

Walking over the threshold into my house, I notice a letter attached to the door. I open it.

I've gone shopping. I'll be home soon.

This is great! I have the whole house to myself. I go to my room and sit on the bed. I set my laptop on my knees and log in. In seconds, I find the Moby Dick I was reading earlier. Halfway through a pretty intense sensual scene, and idea pops into my head. I might have a chance of winning Georgi back! I run downstairs to Mom's art closet. I find the nearest whiteboard and wheel it out into the hallway. I push it to the stairs. Swapping ends, I start the long journey up the stairwell. I'm doing pretty well; I'm already halfway. One step up, I trip, and the whiteboard goes flying down the staircase. Then the next one. I close my eyes. It hits the front door. I wait for glass to shatter. It doesn't. I hesitantly creep down the stairs to retrieve the massive contraption. I do better this time. I make it all the way to the top. Pushing it into my bedroom, I grab my phone, and plug it into the laptop. I position the whiteboard near the closet. Then I hook the computer to the printer. I find a picture of Georgi and press print. The paper gets sucked in, then pushed out with Georgi's face on one side. I find some Blu-Tac lying in my bedside drawer. I rip off a piece, and divide it into smaller balls. I place a ball on each corner of the picture of Georgi, then press it down firmly on the shiny white surface. Making sure it is sitting in the middle, I go back to the computer and bring up a picture of Riley. Pressing print, I pace the room. The paper gets jammed. I shout in frustration. I don't know how long I have until my Mom gets back. I open the printer, extract the jammed photo and reprint. It shoots out of the receiving end. I repeat the process, but tack Riley's photo in the corner of the whiteboard. I take down a picture of myself and add it to the whiteboard. I find a marker and draw a line connecting me to Riley, and another line connecting Georgi to me. Before I can do anything else, I hear keys jangling in the lock of the front door. I quickly open the closet and wheel the whiteboard in. No one can see my plan.
Not yet...

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