Chapter 6

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The next few days fly by fast, leaving us towards the end of the week.
Nothing big happened at all and everyday i continued to walk home from practice with Akaashi, Bokuto, Komi, and Konoha.

On my second day of being manager, When i got to practice i realized there were more players than the day before. When i was introduced to the coach, he explained to me why a bunch weren't there the other day and they all came up to me at some point during the practice to say hello and chat.

Throughout the week, I became used to my new classes and got to know a few people.
Suki had to help in the library during lunch time everyday except monday's, so I started sitting with the team and became friends with most of them.

On Friday, Akaashi, Bokuto, and I were walking to lunch together. As we rounded a corner, Bokuto randomly perked up.

"Hey Sarah-chan!" He exclaims, pulling me and Akaashi to a stop. "You just moved here to Tokyo, right?"
He stares me in the eye with a huge smile on his face and waits for me to answer as i hesitate.
"Yes.." I say while staring up at him and narrowing my eyes due to suspicion.
He squeals and does a little happy dance, spinning around me and Akaashi and earning him some weird stares from others in the hallway.

"Bokuto-san," Akaashi grabs Bokuto and makes him stop. "Why did you ask Sarah-kun that?"

Bokuto pouts at Akaashi and then turns to me
"Because I just had the greatest idea ever!" He yells, earning more stares and a few eye rolls.

We start walking towards the cafeteria again. "And whats your idea?" I groan. I wish Bokuto would just spit it out.
"Me and Akaashi should take you on a tour of the city this weekend! That is, if your free."
I grin and my eyes start to sparkle.

"Really?" I ask. "That would be great! And im pretty sure im free."
Bokuto starts doing his dance again with me joining him.

Akaashi sighs and stops walking, clearly getting annoyed.

"Hey, who said im free? And Bokuto-san, you cant just drag me into your plans without checking with me first," he says.
"Come on Akaashiiii." Bokuto groans and pouts. "We both know your free and you'd end up coming anywayyyy!"
"Yeah whatever" Akaashi says and starts speed walking towards the cafeteria without us. I stop dancing and run after him.

"Wait for me!" i whine. He slows down and waits for me to catch up.
Bokuto pouts at us and comes running after us and we join the rest of the volleyball team at their lunch table.

I run over to Konoha and plop down beside him to with Akaashi following and sitting on my other side.

"Hey Konoha!" I say.
"Hey Sarah, how are you?" he replies.
"Same as always, you?"
"Me too."

I pull out my bento and was about to start talking to Bokuto and Akaashi, but i hear them having a discussion with a few team members. Instead of interrupting i decide to just talk to Konoha.

"Hey Konoha, are you free this weekend?" I ask him.

Akaashi's POV:

"Tomato's are obviously vegetables," Bokuto argues.
"No! Tomato's have seeds! That means that theyre a fruit because all fruits have seeds," Anahori argues back.

This is a very stupid thing to be arguing over but its pretty entertaining, so i try not to interrupt.

"Thats ridiculous, cucumbers have seeds, so do peppers, and avocados, but they're all vegetables!"
"If they have seeds it makes them a fruit, so those are technically fruits!"

Bokuto slams his hands down on the table and makes a weird yelling sound.
"Eh... no not really."

The pair of idiots continue to argue so i try to focus my attention on something else, when i hear Sarah talking to Konoha.

"Hey Konoha, are you free this weekend?"

Is she inviting him along for our tour? I hope not. I kinda wanted to have some time alone with her. Wait dumbass. Bokuto's gonna be there, so why are you getting angry about her inviting someone else along! Do you like her or something? No of course i don't like her, whats gotten into me?

I make an exasperated noise of anger and Konoha and Sarah turn to look over at me.
Ugh i can be so stupid sometimes.

Sarah's POV:

I ask Konoha if he's free and he goes to answer, when I hear and exasperated noise coming from our right.

I turn and see that Akaashi was the source of the sound and he's making a funny face. He noticed us looking and panic spreads across his features, which is a very un-Akaashi look because he normally tries to hide his emotions all the time.

"S-Sorry, i was just overthinking about something," he stutters and red starts creeping up into his cheeks. I wish i could take a picture because he looks so adorable right now.

I giggle at him and shake my head.
"It's okay, we all do that sometimes. Its just funny to see you expressing your emotions, Akaashi-chan."

He grimaces and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. Then he slowly turns back over to Bokuto and Anahori arguing and gets that blank expression on his face again.

I then turn back over to Konoha and see an amused expression on his face. He leans in and whispers over to me.
"I've never seen Akaashi-san show that much emotion anywhere other than on the volleyball courts," he chuckles lightly under his breath.

I smile and laugh at that and then realize what i was about to ask him.

"So, would you be free? Akaashi and Bokuto are taking me on a tour of the city and it would be fun if you cam along with."

Konoha smiles apologetically at me.
"Im sorry, but i cant. I have to visit my cousins this weekend but thanks for asking at least. I hope you guys have fun," he tells me, looking sorry.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Bokuto will just be hard to control with only Akaashi and me."

Bokuto heres me and stands up, looking very annoyed.
"Hey!" He yells at me and starts rambling about how he's not hard to look after and how he can behave well without supervision.

We both laugh and the bell rings, signalling the end of lunch.

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