Chapter 20

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akaashi and sarah just awkwardly stood staring at eachother as their mothers talked.

school wasnt to start for around a few hours, so akaashi wasnt dressed yet. sarah, who was already in her school uniform, noticed.

"nice pajamas," sarah mumbles, startling the boy.

"what," he deadpans. then it dawns on him. "oh no, mom im going to go get dressed..."

he runs out the stairs stumbling on a couple of the top steps.

sarah frowns. akaashi at home was waaaaay different then he was at school in front of classmates and bokuto.

but she liked that.

sarah's mother then looks over to her.

"i need to head out, ill call you when i can," she pulls her daughter into a tight hug and kisses her forehead.

"bye mom!"

as her mother heads out the door, aiko turns to sarah.

"okay sarah, i will show you to the guest room where you'll be staying!" she exclaims.

sarah nods and smiles, still a little too tired. maybe a quick nap before school would help.


"sarah! wake up!"

sarah jerks awake to someone shaking her.

"huh?! what?!"

"we need to go," akaashi tries to pull her out of bed.

"just go ill be out soon," she pushes his hand away.

he rolls his eyes, mutters something about just leaving and leaves the room.

sarah runs a hand through her hair.

"stupid me. i should have set and alarm."

the girl rushes and grabs her luckily already packed school bag. she then runs down the stairs and out the door.

she looks around and doesnt see akaashi anymore

"i guess he left without me," she sighs.

sarah takes out the key aiko left for her and locks the door before hurrying off to school.

i feel like this seems a little rushed sorry about that

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