Alliance in Peril:

Start from the beginning

Nardel was quiet, "I understand, kiddo" he said "It's not ideal but sometimes we just have to make things work" he sighed.

Claude nodded, "Yeah" he said quietly "Anyways I should prepare a letter in case I do need to send one out" Claude said, "I'll be in my quarters if you need me" he added then turned to head to his room.

Once in the confines of his room Claude sat at his desk and let out a long sigh, dammit.

Things were far more serious then he initially thought, despite what Claude had told Nardel he didn't expect much from Count Gloucester being able to stop an Imperial force led by Arundel of all people.

During Claude's time at the academy he made sure to know of any noteworthy generals, and Lord Arundel was one of them.

It looked like sending out the letter was going to be necessary, Claude grabbed a piece of paper and got to work.

To Your Princeliness:

Dimitri, at Gronder Field we fought at opposing sides. I know that in the end our goals are different, that cannot be denied... Which is why I hate to ask, but there looks to be no other option. I'll get to the point, the Imperial army is heading for the Alliance's Aquatic Capital, Derdriu by it's general Lord Arundel. As of right now we could really use your help. Please Dimitri.

- Claude Von Riegan

Claude slumped in his chair writing that letter took a hit at Claude's ego, he hated the fact that he would be in debt to Dimitri and the Kingdom army if they came but... there was really no alternative option for this matter.

Three days later:

It was late in the evening when Nardel came barging into Claude's study, "Your enforcement have arrived" Nardel said.

Claude stood up from his desk, "Finally, Jesh it took them long enough" he said with a laugh, then followed Nardel to them.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Claude" Hilda said once Claude joined them in the parlor room.

"Miss me?" Claude said with a laugh.

"Ha! As if" Lorenz scoffed, "Now what is this about the Empire invading the Alliance" he added with a serious voice.

Claude sighed, "Well the Imperial army used our fighting at Gronder Field as a distraction to enter into Alliance territory and they are making their way for Derdriu" he said "In order to get to us they will need to fight Count Gloucester's men, but if they make their way through we might not be enough men to take them on" Claude said and paused for a moment, "I have begun implementing procedures for the people of Derdriu to evacuate in the case they make it to the Capital" he added. "Also I will be requesting Judith and some of her men join us, but they won't be able to spare much since they've been guarding the Great Bridge of Myrddin" Claude said, "Which is why I will also ask the Kingdom for aid" he added.

"Claude that's a horrible idea" Lorenz said.

Byleth nodded, "I hate to admit it but Lorenz's right Claude, we just fought them" she said with a frown "We can't trust them" she added.

"For what it's worth I think Dimitri will lend us his strength" Hilda butted in, "He offered us help with coming here" she added "I bet he will come" Hilda concluded.

Claude nodded, "I understand why you guys are apprehensive but... We really don't have much of a choice, the Imperial army is being led by Lord Arundel" he said "So pride aside we will need their help" he added.

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