"Cas!" Jack yelled out once him and Y/N got outside. "Cas, where are you!?" Y/N yelled out. "Where could he have gone!? We would have heard him leave the bunker! Besides it's not like he can just fly out! He doesn't have his wings anymore. What could have happened?" Y/N asked herself. "I'm sure Cas is fine. He's probably in the bunker. Maybe he got lost." Jack said, trying to calm both him and Y/N down. "Cas has been in the bunker so many times! It's not like him to get lost. Jack, I'm worried. What if something bad happened to him?" Jack gently grabbed her shoulders, trying to comfort her.

"We will find Cas, Y/N. Nothing could get in the bunker without us knowing, and nothing can get out. Not even Cas. He's probably fine." Y/N nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. Cas is probably fine." Just then Y/N's phone rang. It was Dean. She answered it, and put it on speaker so Jack could hear. "Did you find him?" She asked before Dean could say anything. "No. We found his phone, but that's it. You got anything?" Dean asked, sounding a bit stressed. Y/N rubbed her face. "Nothing. I mean how is that possible? We would've heard him leave!" "I don't know, but keep looking. He has to be somewhere." Dean then hung up, and Y/N sighed.

Y/N grabbed onto Jack's hand, and dragged him further into the forest. "Castiel! Where the hell are you!?" Y/N screamed. "Hello." Said a voice. Y/N turned around and smiled at the familiar face. "Cas! You're okay! We were worried sick about you." Y/N said, feeling relieved. 'Cas' gave a disturbing smiled, and shook his head. "I'm not Castiel." Y/N's smile fell. Then who was he? He sure did look like Cas. "... then who are you?" She asked. "I go by many names." Is what the mysterious thing said. "... you're the thing from the Empty." Jack said after a moment of silence. It's smile grew wider at Jack's answer.

"There we go! Long time no see, Jack." "Long time no see? Jack? What is he talking about?" Y/N asked. Jack's grip on Y/N's hand slightly tightened. Jack ignored Y/N, and his glare hardened. "You took Cas." Jack said. "You're a quick one, aren't you?" "Okay, what the hell is going on?" Y/N asked, confused. The Shadow looked towards her. "They didn't tell you, did they?" It asked. "Tell me what?" The cosmic entity looked towards Jack, it's smirk somehow growing larger. "Should you tell her, or should I?" It asked. "Jack, what is he talking about?" Y/N asked, looking towards her boyfriend. Jack didn't answer. His grip slightly tightened once again. He couldn't meet Y/N's eyes. He was filled with guilt once again.

"Oh, I guess I'll tell her. You see when Jack died- let me make this clear. When Jack died the first time he went to Heaven, but he was still half Archangel, so I thought- no, I knew he belonged with me. You know, with eternal darkness, and all, but Cas didn't want that. He wanted Jack back, so he made a deal with me. Him for Jack's soul. Once Cas was happy I would take him. Isn't that right, Jack?" Jack looked towards the cosmic entity with hatred. "Is that true?" Y/N asked, her voice breaking slightly. Jack slowly nodded. "Why didn't you tell Sam, and Dad? Why didn't you tell me?" Jack finally looked at Y/N, and his heart broke at her sad expression.

"He made me promise not to. He said that he would be able to fix it, so that we wouldn't have to." Jack said, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. He looked at the ground, not being able to look into Y/N's eyes any longer before continuing. "But we will bring him back." He said, feeling confident. "Oh, no you won't. You see, as soon as I go back I'll be able to finally sleep. I haven't been able to do that since you woke him up over two years ago, and now... I will be able to." The entity said, with a smile on it's face. "We don't care about your stupid sleep. We will get Cas back. Whether you like it or not." Y/N said.

"If you do... I'll have no choice but to bring Jack with me. The deal was that he would stay with me for all of eternity, and if he comes back, well... that'll be breaking the deal, and we can't have that, now can we?" "But you can't do that! Cas doesn't deserve that. He's good." "I don't care if he's good or not. He died. He shouldn't have come back, but he did. Now he's dead, and he'll stay dead... unless you want to take his place Jack?" The Shadow said. "I'll do it." Jack said. "What?" The Shadow asked, slightly surprised. "I'll do it. Take me instead. Bring Cas back." "Jack, no." Y/N said. Jack looked at Y/N with a sad expression.

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