The Tie (Elijah Mikaelson)

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You woke up next to Elijah, sighing contently as you slowly opened your eyes. "Good morning, dear." He greeted softly, the sound rumbling in his chest as you laid your head on him.

"Mmm. Morning." You mumbled. Elijah wrapped his arms around you a litter tighter, kissing your forehead.

You sighed, "What time is it?"

Elijah looked at the clock on the bedside table and sighed, "Time to get up for work."

You groaned, "Can I skip today?"

He kissed your forehead again, "As much as I would love to lay in bed with you all day, you have to go to work, my dear."

You groaned again and sat up, yawning and scratching your scalp before heading to the shower to get ready for work.

After getting ready, you headed downstairs to grab food. You shrugged when you looked through the fridge and just picked up a poptart.

"Bye!" You said as you walked out of the compound, the vampires in the house replying collectively.

You got to Rousseau's and checked in. "Hey, Cam." You greeted.

She looked up with a smile, "Hey, Y/N/N." She tossed you a pen and paper and you got to work. The first hours of the shift were as usual, tourists and regulars getting food and drinks and leaving once they finished.

Working at a bar wasn't bad. A couple of day drinkers wandered in and out, but there was no excitement.

You looked at the door when the bell rang and saw three men walk in. You gave the tourists a warm smile as they sat down.

You walked over, telling Cami you had them. You greeted, "Hey, welcome to Rousseau's, what can I get ya?"

The one with the short brown hair answered, "A number would be great." He gave you a stupid smirk and you laughed, "Well, we have plenty. I could recommend the number 3."

He shrugged, "Maybe one that starts with 504."

You laughed again at his attempt to hit on you. The long haired one sitting next to him said, "I'm sorry about him. He's a bit of a dick. He'll have a double cheeseburger and I'll have a salad please. And Cas?"

The man on the end looked over and muttered, "Nothing for me, thank you." You nodded, glancing at his crooked tie and held back a snicker, thinking of how much that would bug Elijah.

"No problem. I'll get your orders in no time. If you need anything..." You tapped on your name tag.

They smiled at you as you turned and left. You faintly heard the long haired one mutter, "Dude. Could you not for one second?"


When you'd brought out the food to him, you spoke, "Okay, salad for you, burger for you, and nothing for you."

"Thanks." The long haired one spoke.

You made conversation, used to it since you worked at a bar where people will usually start wanting to talk to someone about nothing.

"No problem. So what brings you to New Orleans?" You asked.

The long haired one spoke first, "Business. We're FBI." They all pulled out their badges, moving at the same time.

The short haired one rolled his eyes at the one on the end and turned his badge right side up. "He's new." He simply explained. He added, "And, hopefully, a little bit of pleasure." He winked at you.

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