Drip, Drip, Drip (Elijah Mikaelson)

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You don't know how you found yourself here, huddled in the corner with your knees brought to your chest. You do know that the feelings swarming inside of you were too much to handle at the moment.

You'd called Elijah in a panic, the rush of the moment making the memories run at a speedy pace. He was on his way now to you, worried that you were hurt.

You weren't hurt, not physically. You were a vampire, you'd be fine. But there was something wrong.

As you sat in the corner, the sound of the blood dripping from your fingertips as it streamed down your arm, your face was tucked away behind your knees.

The blood fell from your fingertips in droplets, the only sound you could focus on. The sound didn't sit well with you, seemingly taunting you for what you'd done.

Drip, drip, drip.

You were caught in your mind so much that you didn't hear the door open. When you'd finally darted your eyes at whoever had entered the room, you saw Elijah standing there, his eyes widened a little bit as he saw the body lying lifeless on the floor.

He looked over at you, his eyes softening slightly as he worried for you. He rushed over quickly, kneeling down to your side. "Are you alright?" He asked you, his voice as soft as his eyes.

You looked up at him, your eyes suddenly filling with tears as they, too, began to stream freely with the blood that dripped to the floor.

Drip, drip, drip.

Your face remained tucked behind your knees as you looked at Elijah. You shook your head slightly, it was the only thing you could really do at the moment.

Elijah wrapped his arms around you, bringing you into his chest and holding you to him carefully. You cried into his chest, the blood covering you smearing onto his suit as he held you close to him.

"It's all right, everything will be alright, Y/N." He softly told you. You shook your head in his chest and said, "It won't, Elijah."

Your eyes found the body of the woman you'd just drained of blood. You'd never killed anyone before and here you were now, covered in human blood, crying helplessly.

He shushed you softly, and lifted your head to look at him. His eyes gazed into your, filled with worry and mirroring the sadness you'd felt in you.

He told you, "It's all right."

You cried quietly, "I couldn't stop...'Lijah, I couldn't stop."

"It is not your fault." He pulled you back into his chest. He turned around, seeing the body on the floor and sighing. He picked you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style out of the room where the body laid lifeless.

When he'd reached the bedroom, he opened the door and then closed it again with his foot. He led you to the bathroom connected to the bedroom, sitting you down on the counter as he turned on the shower and adjusted the water to your preferred temperature.

He looked back at you, sitting there with your hands rubbing your arms. He undressed you and helped you into the shower where you stood in your thoughts.

After the long shower, you were dressed in comfortable clothes and Elijah laid you in bed, crawling in next to you in a T-shirt and sweatpants.

He pulled you into him once again and you found peace in his embrace. He kissed your forehead, telling you how everything would be all right. You took a deep breath, letting his familiar scent of cologne and something entirely Elijah fill your senses, purging your thoughts of anything that had happened.

But in the back of your mind, you could still hear the sound, clear as day.

Drip, drip, drip.

'Everything will be alright, everything will be alright.' You thought to yourself, remembering the words Elijah told you.

You eventually drifted off the sleep, your mind calm enough to let you rest.

But as you dreamt, you couldn't get the sound out of your head, the unbearable sound of the blood that stained the floor.

Drip, drip, drip.

Drip, drip, drip.

Drip, drip, drip.


You woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air as you woke up from what you hoped was just a nightmare. Elijah's eyes shot open when yours had, sitting up next to you to calm you down.

He grabbed your face in his hands, getting you to look at him as he said, "Hey, hey, hey. Calm yourself, dear heart."

You looked into his chocolate brown eyes as you took in long breaths to calm down. He asked, "Are you okay?"

You didn't respond for a moment before finally speaking, "Was it a dream?"

Your hopes were crushed as Elijah's face fell, shaking his head very slightly and giving you an apologetic look. Your breath sped up slightly and he caught it quickly.

He pulled you back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist, a hand supporting your head. You breathed in Elijah's scent, instantly working to calm you.

He rubbed your back gentle and rhythmically. Elijah shushed you quietly, and told you, "It's alright."

When you were calmed once again, you got out of the bed, slowly finding your way down the stairs. You couldn't smell the blood as much as before and it only made your movements slower.

When you saw the living room again, your mouth hung open very slightly in surprise. It was spotless, as if nothing ever happened. You looked up at Elijah, who stood at the top of the steps, watching you carefully.

"I had Niklaus and Rebekah take care of everything." He said simply. You closed your mouth, gulping and sighing. Elijah was at your side once again and he told you, "Everything will be alright."

"You can't promise that, Elijah." You responded. He clenched his jaw a little bit, not in frustration, but in thought. He then shook his head, "No, I can't. But I can promise you that I will be there to help you through it."

You swallowed hard, biting back the tears that threatened to spill like that blood from earlier that went drip, drip, drip. You asked gently, using the words he'd vowed to you more than once, "Always and Forever?"

Elijah kissed you then, his lips moving in sync with yours as he made you forget everything that troubled you. You sighed into the kiss, finding comfort in him. Finding comfort in Elijah.

When you both separated, he told you sincerely, "Always and Forever."

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