I flipped to the next page in my file, skimming over the victim's name and going straight to the police report. Of course, we had copies of our own, but perhaps there would be something in here that we hadn't seen yet.

"Anything yet, agents?" the doctor called. I glanced over my shoulder at him but quickly turned away with a gag upon seeing him holding the unmatched arm up to the light, likely looking for any distinguishable markings.

"No sir," Clarence replied, all too chipper for a case like this. "Still looking."

I grumbled under my breath and brushed my stack of papers aside until my fingers latched onto the large regional map beneath. The map already had several small x's dotting its surface in an indication of where bodies had previously been found. It seemed to be a dead-end, as none of the x's matched up to give any sort of hint as to where this pack might be hiding.

May I make a suggestion? a familiar voice crowed from behind me. I spun, startled, to face the white wolf who sat beside the doctor at his autopsy table. Even sitting, he was taller than the older man.

"Y/N?" Andrew chirped and placed a hand on my arm. I turned to him with wide eyes, taking in his look of concern. "Everything alright?"

I glanced back towards where the wolf had been sitting only to find that he was now making his way over to our table. I pursed my lips and returned to my pile of papers. "Everything's fine. Just thought I heard something."

I shot a sideways glare at the wolf as he approached my shoulder and peaked his massive head around my body. His red eyes scanned the pages of notes with a stern glare. What's your suggestion? I asked none too gently.

The wolf scowled but held back a stinging remark. It seemed for once he didn't care enough to start a fight. Do any of the reports say where the humans were last seen? he questioned. I flipped hurriedly through my papers and skimmed over each case file. A few of them did in fact say the victim's last known location. I nodded ever so slightly.

If the location of the bodies does not tell you anything, then try the last known location, he offered with a nod of his wide head, his sharply pointed ears swiveling forward with interest.

Since when did you know so much about hunting? I teased, glaring playfully. The wolf drew back his lips in a mock smile.

I've been around the block a few times. I know more than you think. He stepped back from the table and shuffled away, doing his best not to knock into anything in the surprisingly small autopsy room. I returned to my papers with a scowl and withdrew a blue marker from beneath the stack.

My companions watched me curiously as I marked spot after spot on the map. They passed me notes when I asked, and watched with curiosity as a shape began to bloom. It was almost circular, although a bit off-center.

I stepped back from the map and capped the marker, staring curiously at the circle. "Eleven victims, nine last known locations. We should start looking in here. My guess is, this is their temporary hunting grounds," I gestured, making a loose circle on the map with my finger. "And I'd bet money they know we're here. We're being taunted."

"What's around there?" Clarence scowled and leaned over the map. His eyes scanned the page looking for any markings or indicators of what might be around there. "Caves? Abandoned buildings?"

I scoffed, doing my best to hide the disdain in my voice. "Skinwalkers aren't likely to hide in caves. They'd want to be out in the open, see everything that's happening. You can't do that in a cave."

Clarence glared pointedly and lifted his head slightly from the map. "Since when did you know so much about the bastards?" I pursed my lips and held his glare. After several long seconds, he dropped his gaze back to the map. "Well, guess we better start looking, yeah?"

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now