It had been a month and a half since I had last seen Sam and Dean, and with each passing day, I was getting antsier. They hadn't called once, and I worried about calling them - what if they were working a case, and I was just getting in their way? If they were hurt, or needed me, surely they would call. It never crossed my mind that they may be too headstrong to admit they need help. I huffed and rested my chin on my palm, my knee propped against my thigh and my mug rested on the floor.

A month at home felt like exactly what I needed, a break from everything that had been causing me stress and confusion. But, to my dismay, my worries had followed me and grown over the month. I had been ecstatic when I arrived home, although that was short-lived.

I had dropped to my knees on my front lawn when my house rose into view. Never in my life had I been so happy to see that familiar blue color and white trim, the colonial columns that lined the front porch, and the vibrant flowers I had helped Sasha plant not too long ago.

It always hit me just how much I missed my vibrant home until I finally returned, relieved to find it still standing. It was the only home I ever knew - living with my parents... that wasn't home. That was just somewhere I lived. But this place and living with my uncle had been where I found myself and finally learned to open up to others and put roots down.

I didn't know what I would do if I lost this place. It was my last link to my old life and the doorway into my new life. It was a part of me.

Seeing the rest of my pack race down the front steps or from the bunkhouse had my heart pounding in my chest with excitement and worry. What would they say? Would I be scolded, or praised by them? I didn't have much time to dwell on my thoughts before I was tackled into the dirt by Sasha, her short frame collapsing against mine.

"You're OK!" she exclaimed, gripping my torso so tightly that I felt my lungs might pop. "We were all so worried about you!" I wheezed as her grip became tighter, a fact that I didn't believe was possible.

Suddenly, she pushed away from me and held me at arm's length, her small hands gripping tightly into my shoulders. "What the hell happened!?" she demanded furiously a scowl adorning her features as her brown eyes flickered between my slouched form, and Calliope and Booth looming behind me. My eyes rose to meet the figures of the rest of my pack, jaunting towards us with worried frowns.

"I'd like to know that too," Marcus called, his usual playful tone gone and instead replaced with a harsher note. His arms were folded tightly, fingertips pressed into his freckled skin. "And try to cut out the bullshit this time - we all know something went wrong. We all felt it."

I winced and my gaze flickered up to Caeden's, his deep brown eyes cold like a brick wall. He seemed so imposing and calculating in the afternoon light, the sun's rays beaming down on him and lighting his skin with warmth. I frowned, an image of his body coated in electricity flashing in my mind. It fit him so well.

I spoke slowly, explaining with as little detail as necessary. I told them of my encounters with John Winchester, and why I had gone to help the brother's in the first place. They seemed startled to learn of my visits with the demon and appalled at its brutal behavior towards us in the hours before the car crash. I told them little of John and Mary's story - it wasn't mine to tell.

My pack fell silent as they mulled over my tale, soaking in the details. Of all of them, Caeden seemed the least shocked, although I wasn't sure if that was just a facade. I watched his reaction intently, hoping that he might drop a hint that he too had seen the infinite darkness, and perhaps even the white wolf.

My heart pounded and squeezed every time I mentioned Dean. I was worried about him and worried about how he was taking his father's death. Flashes of memories of him lying limp on a hospital bed would appear in my nightmares for years to come, though I didn't realize it yet. I shook my head, clearing out thoughts of him. I had other things to focus on.

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