Chapter 2

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The afternoon came as Fire looks at his siblings as the purple kitty had a flashback.


Young Fire was first given orders to watch her three hedgehog siblings. Fire said to her mom, be careful Mommy. Their mom replied, I will dear I'll be back by nightfall. Young Fire looked at her three young siblings crying as she said to them, no ones gonna harm you as long as me and Mommy are here little ones...we're safe here.

<flashback ends>

Fire sighed and said, I love you my siblings. Earth, Wind, and Air looked up as Wind said, you think mom is okay? Air replied, I wouldn't even doubt it...but what if that fox figured out about us? Earth then said as he crossed his arms, as long as they think this tower is haunted by spirits they won't set foot near the tower or the area itself.  Wind said, yes sister no person would set foot here as long as they think this tower is haunted. Fire then said as she placed her hands on her hips, they're right sister what person is stupid enough to set foot here?..I mean Mom keeps quiet about us and no one knows about our existence nor will they ever besides I doubt that fox knows about us.


Knuckles, Sticks, Amy, and Tails were having trouble after Sonic got back to his dimension. Tails was more worried about the woman he captured once. Her words still play in his head like a tape recorder. The words she said were "you evil beasts will never find my children not in your miserable lives!" it kept playing in his mind until he felt a nudge on his shoulder. Tails looked to see Amy who was confused. Amy asked, you okay there? Tails nodded and said, yes...just thinking. Knuckles asked, about what? Sticks scratched her eyepatch and said, right so what's this about that woman you once captured? Tails froze before he said, part of it...though I was thinking what she said. Amy asked, could you described this woman first? Tails sighs and said, she was a purple hedgehog and she was often seen in the village during the day and stays in that haunted tower by night I once captured her so that lord E. could interrogate her but she escaped..though she turn to me and said as she glared, you evil beasts will never find my children not in your miserable lives! Sticks and the other three are shocked and surprised. Amy asked, was she a mother? Tails said, possibly her kids were never seen not even one and not even a glimpse of either of them... Knuckles asked, but where could she have hid them? Tails shrugged and said, I have no idea. Knuckles then said, what happened to her then? Tails shrugged and said, I have no idea...she ran away after she got shot with a random laser attack and ran away with her injury. Amy thought for a moment or two and said, well we've been outnumbered since Sonic went back to his dimension maybe just maybe we should recruit another member. Knuckles then suggested, yeah but we gotta do something first. Tails and the girls asked, and what's that?! Knuckles replied, we gotta find the kids of that woman...they might be possibly grown by now. The three agreed and the four went into the woods.

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