Part two: The revelation

Start from the beginning

"Did anything happen between you?"

Jay blushed. "She kissed me."

Katerina shrieked happily. "Jay, you're a seducer!"

Jay smiled. "Hardly. More like she seduced me."

Katerina shook her head. "Men are very weak when women use their powers like that."

Jay looked at his hands. "I hope she figures out how to get away from these bad guys."

He became serious and thoughtful.

"What' s wrong?" Katerina asked.

"I was just thinking about something." He told her about the lights pulsating when he gave money to the statue into the church, eight lights for eight dollars, and the documentary he'd seen the night before.

"Jay, you are fascinating." Katerina laughed.

"Strange things have been happening!" He told her about the woman he had seen at the subway going the opposite direction, then seen again at the train station.

"Yes, it's a strange coincidence, but not implausible. Did you talk her?"

He shook his head.

"Next a UFO will try to kidnap you," Katerina joked.

Jay felt indignant. She didn't understand. These events were not random, they had meaning. He just didn't know what it was yet.

Katerina noticed his expression. "I'm sorry," she said. "You're being serious."

"It's okay. But it's not a joke to me. Want to go to Staten Island?"

"How about tomorrow? I want to go see a musical tonight. Come with me."

He agreed, as long as she promised to go with him to Staten Island the next day.

"Good thing I don't have work tomorrow," she said. "But I want to getup early and exercise."

"You're so disciplined."

They walked to Broadway. Katerina chose "Mamma Mia" and they bought tickets, it was a good show, and afterward they went out for a drink at a local Irish pub.

Jay got them two dark beers. "I heard beer makes your boobs bigger," he said, handing one to Katerina.

"That's why I drink so much of it." She laughed. "Jay, you shouldn't believe those urban legends."

Just then a girl who wasn't looking where she was going slammed into a boy and fell to the ground. Luckily no one was hurt, but her drink had fallen and smashed on the floor.

The boy helped her up. He didn't seem angry with her, even offered her another drink.

"Did you see that?" Jay asked Katerina. "I bet they go home together now. Chance encounter, girl trips, and boom—falls in love."

"I'd be so embarrassed," Katerina said. "But look, he's just buying her a drink. He doesn't like her..."

"Watch them: they don't take their eyes off each other. They're falling in love. You never know what fate has in store for us."

"It is a beautiful thing when an unexpected meeting like that happens," said Katerina.

Katerina and Jay watched as the new couple held hands and exchanged a kiss. Katerina looked at Jay, dumbfounded. "You were right; you're getting clairvoyant."

"It was just my intuition. I knew it was love at first sight."

For a moment Katerina seemed preoccupied.

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