Kingsley's eyes had darted from the back of Ravenna's head to my face the deep scowl on his face never once dropped as he haughtily informed me, "Your Majesty or Your Highness would do just fine."

"Or your royal pain in the- "

"Ah ah ah, now what was it that you were saying outside earlier Ravenna? To watch my language. Don't you think you should do the same, you know set an example since we have a guest in 'our' treehouse."

Ravenna slowly turned to glare at him, "Why don't you go and make yourself useful by making sure that a certain someone doesn't come knocking at our doorstep."

"Gladly" He sarcastically replied, Kingsley looked back at me and saluted before turning and sauntering out of the treehouse.

"Thank goodness he's gone." She whispered before looking back at me, "I'm sorry, I don't think I've gotten your name."

I gasped before responding, "Oh it's...." but I paused before I could tell her my real name. I didn't know if I could trust her or not to give her my real name or if I should just continue using the name Juliet. So far, she hasn't done anything that could be considered dangerous or mistrustful. In fact, she was kind enough to help me and bandage up my feet, or at least that was what I assumed she did. However, after experiencing a life-or-death situation at the hands of complete strangers, I just couldn't give her my name.

She must have witnessed the conflict I was having because she immediately responded with, "Don't worry about your safety here, trust me, if you stay with Kingsley and I then you will be well protected. And if you don't want to reveal your name right now that is fine, but I have to call you some- "

"It's Juliet." I quickly responded, noting the slight hoarseness in my voice.

"Juliet" She parroted, nodding her head, "That is a beautiful name. Well, like I said, you are safe here and with us. This treehouse was enchanted so that anything that is not invited in, stays out." She had turned away and placed the basket of apples on top of a trunk before bending down and rummaging through one of the many other trunks that they had.

I nodded my head before something had occurred to me. The castle was miles away from the nearest ocean, and the "village" was much closer to the castle as opposed to the ocean. But when I look out of the window of the treehouse, all I could see was trees, however, I could have sworn I could hear the crashing of waves somewhere off in the distance. Not to mention that there was a slight salty smell, although that could have been me since I do remember the ocean water's cool and gentle touch. But I just wonder, "Where is here exactly?"

She stopped whatever it was that she was doing and turned her head towards me with a gentle smile plastered onto her face, "You're on the island known as Neverland."

"I'm in Neverland!"


Ravenna was kind enough to loan me some of her clothes so that I could change out of my dirty mop of a dress. I was thankful for that because not only was I freezing but the dress was practically torn to shreds from those creatures and the bottom of the dress was signed by the iron shoes. I was glad to be rid of that reminder but when I look down at my bandaged feet all I could think about is that moment. But I was thankful that Ravenna was the type of person who loved to talk because it took my mind away from that nightmare of a memory.

She had taken the liberty to explain what had happened before I had arrived on Neverland to when they had found me on the beach. Apparently, she was the very same raven that I was following in the woods in the Enchanted Forest but had disappeared to go deal with this 'Pan' person. Fortunately, she did not know what had happened to me with those Beasts of the Light, but she had an idea of what went on.

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