Chapter 7

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When I was finally able to regain consciousness, the first thing that I noticed was that the sky was made of wood. The once grainy ground that I had previously been lying on was now replaced with rope that was covered in cloth and swung from side to side. Confusion had clouded my thoughts because I could have sworn that I was outside and near the ocean, so how did I get inside? I vaguely remember hearing the voices of a male and female and for a brief moment feeling weightless, but beyond that there was nothing else that I could recall. Perhaps that moment of weightlessness was someone carrying me, and they brought me-

"Oh, thank goodness your awake, welcome to our treehouse." A female voice, the one that I remembered hearing before losing consciousness, interrupted my thoughts.

I heard a grunt before a male voice pitched in, "My treehouse."




"Mine" I had turned my head to the right to find a girl with long, wavy black hair wearing a worn blue dress with white sleeves and an apron. She stood next to a male with short cropped brown hair who looked like he was getting annoyed by the second as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. I was hesitant to speak up because they might have been one of those creatures that I had ran into in the forest but to be honest they looked like a bickering couple.

The girl had been carrying a basket full of apples which she had switched to carrying on one hip and held with one hand as she jabbed her index finger of her other hand into the guy's chest before saying, "Listen you naked mole rat, you are barely here as it is, you are lucky I'm even referring to this place as ours."

He rolled his eyes before crossing his arms and retorting with, "Listen you annoying seagull, I built this place way before you even got here so technically this place is mine, not yours."

I attempted to speak but before I even got a word out I was interrupted by the girl, " Okay look, I know that you're still upset with me about that thing we don't like to talk about, but-"

"That thing we don't like to talk about was five years ago. Oddly enough, there are other reasons why I'm upset with you right now."

"So, you don't hate me?"

"No" She gave a breath of relief before he countered with, "I despise you, there is a difference." And with that she punched him in the shoulder. When she turned away from him, he looked away and scrunched his face as he rubbed the spot where she punched him.

The girl's attention was back on me once more and I was finally able to see her whole face. Her eyes were a soft brown, almost like melted chocolate, which held mystery and a bit of anger but also kindness. She had a chiseled jawline and although she had a friendly air to her, I had no doubt that she could instantly turn cold and murderous. I could feel myself shaking a bit and my heart pounding furiously in my chest as I thought about those beasts in the village and thought that these two people in front of me might be one of those beasts. "Pardon me, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Ravenna and this rat- "She gestured to her friend over her shoulder who scoffed and rolled his eyes as she continued, "Is my friend Kingsley."

Friend seemed like a relatively loose term to describe the dynamic between the two of them. It was more like they tolerated one another from time to time and even then, he didn't look like the friendly type.

Kingsley stood off to the side with his arms crossed as his baby blue eyes glaring daggers into the back of her head. He also supported a chiseled jaw but, whereas Ravenna appeared gentle, he came off as intimidating and gave off this air of nonchalance and anger. His lips were pursed and downturned in anger which added to his menacing appearance. He wore a puffy white shirt and a black vest over it with black breeches and knee-high boots to match.

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