3; Akimoto vs. Bakugou

Start from the beginning

The rest of her classmates were behind Akimoto as they gave a pass to the orange-head to stand in front, just beside All Might who was orchestrating the battle and polishing their new moves.

"Yaoyorozu, don't hold back, have confidence in yourself." All Might's voice reached down to where the two girls were practicing. Yaoyorozu yelled an answer back and began to fight back.

Eli squints her eyes as she leaned on the metal handles, the cold feeling comforting Eli. Her eyes followed Yaoyorozu's movement and focused on the thick metal debris coming out of her. Eli widens her eyes in amazement. "A creation quirk!" She acknowledged. Her palms pushing on the metal handles as it supports her weight.

All Might nods at the girl next to him. "Correct, how about Uraraka?" 

"Uhm..." Orange eyes started to follow the brunette's movement and she witnessed her touching the free debris and sees it levitating. "-levitation?" Eli guessed, looking back to her teacher.

"Hmm. Close enough. Zero-gravity." He corrects her, crossing his arms over his chest. "Whatever she touches will lose gravity and only she can bring it back."

Eli forms an 'o' shape with her mouth and observes the two again. Her head turns around as she felt a pair of eyes staring at her bottom. She meets the eyes of the grape-like guy and shrieks. "What are you looking at?!" Eli was wearing her slightly revealing Hero costume.

Her attire was a combination of her mother and father's hero costume. An all-white off-shoulders top that reaches down to the middle of her thigh and black compression fireproof-sleeves on her limbs to avoid burning herself. Her white gloves tinkered with the texture of that of a matchbox to produce her own spark and use it. The dress from her mother's and the compression-fireproof-sleeves from her father's. With red and orange hues lined around the edge of every cloth.

Mineta was clearly looking at Eli's butt. "N-nothing." He hides his blush.

Out of nervousness, Eli used her quirk to get away from the pervy Mineta.

In under a second, all she sees is black and white and everyone's mouth agape from talking to someone, except for one person. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the ash-blonde who has his arms crossed and leaning over the metal handles, also studying and observing the fight. He was far-away from the group, the opposite side to where she was.

She leaves her hydroflask near the teacher and runs over to the ash-blonde while she is in the motionless world.

This was a chance to look at his face more clearly. Akimoto leaned over to the handles, her face on the edge. Akimoto studies his focused face and sees that his relaxed face was only a frown. Not a smile, a pout, or anything, it was as if his face was so used to frowning it was now his normal face. Eli stands just on his left and copies his position and deactivates her quirk.

𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚗'𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝 ☆ k. bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now