Part 2

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I am satisfied for today. Two scoops of ice-cream were enough for me.

I called a cab to pick me up in front of Baskin Robins. It has not arrived yet and it has literally started to freeze.

Shit. And there something has to happen.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see I am standing right here?" This brown haired boy spilled his entire coffee on me and now I am standing right here like somebody just cursed me.

"Actually no and actually yes and actually I apologize." What kind of an answer is this? His expression completely neutral as he continues, "See, I have to go now. And sorry for the spill." He smiled at me.

"Okay..?" It was the only thing I could say. He turned on his heels and walked away and into Starbucks, maybe to order another coffee.

My cab arrived shortly after that encounter and after I totally froze with that cold coffee. "Where to?" the driver asks with a rough tone. "Gotham West." I replied politely.
I am now sitting and cleaning my dress with a tissue paper. My phone vibrates yet again in my purse. "Hello?" I answered the call from an unknown number.

"Hey, sweetie. Its your mother. Its your aunt's cell I am calling since my phone is not working," my mother says in rush.

"So, what happened?"

"Did you buy your halloween costume?" Shit.

"Mom, I already told I don't do shopping for Halloween."I groaned.I love Halloween but a costume is one part I feel lazy for.

"Why? You loved it when you became a book."

"Oh my God. Mom, I was in 6th grade at that time and stop saying that. It was because everybody is afraid of school and books." My mom always has to mention it. It was so embarrassing.

"And last time I became a replica of my brother if you remember." I laugh at the memory.Because everybody in our house knows what he looks like in the winter break. An obnoxious ghost. He didn't bathe for days.And once when he got out of bed he literally scared the hell out of me when I scanned his appearance. That was the point of looking like him on Halloween.

"Okay. Now you stop saying that. He is your brother. And please buy a halloween dress for yourself on your way back."

"I'll buy it later. Somebody spilled his coffee all over me and now my dress is all wet. First, I will come to the apartment and change."

"As you wish. But hurry up until it gets really dark."

"Its okay, mum. Anyway, I was going to walk with Chelsea at night to enjoy the Halloween season." I say a little too dramatically.

"As you wish, VANESSA." She sounded a little pissed.

"Then bye, HON." I mimicked my father, knowing that she will get more pissed off and I ended the call. I laughed a louder than usual after ending the call.

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