Yohan-I'll Be The Best Husband

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Genre : Fluff

Song : BTS Propose

requested by YOHANHOURS

third person's pov
Mintae is Yohan's 2 year long lover and it's really difficult for them to meet up due to the current pandemic situation in Korea. as much as they miss each other , they wanted to keep each other safe from the virus. meet ups only happen once every few weeks. it was like a long distance relationship at this point.

Mintae was in her room holding her phone while facetiming Yohan. "wanna go out this coming friday? to celebrate new year's day." Yohan asked. "sure. where are we going?" Mintae asked. "it's a secret. just know good food is coming your way." Yohan smiled. "you're always giving me surprises." Mintae said. "and you like them anyway. i enjoy seeing you smile from the surprise i give to you." Yohan said.

"whatever the surprise will be , it'll never beat the feeling to see you again after so long." Mintae sighed.

just then , Mintae's mom entered her room with a knock. "my mom is here. say hi!" Mintae showed Yohan to her mom who waved at Yohan with a warm smile. "hello auntie! how have you been?" Yohan asked. "been well! how about you?" Mintae's mom asked. "i'm well too!" Yohan said. "take care of yourself during this period of time alright. my daughter always complains about the virus preventing couples from meeting each other." Mintae's mom said making Mintae clear her throat.

"alright i'll talk to you later." Mintae said placing her phone down. "mom seriously?" Mintae shaked her head. "i technically helped you get the words out to him." her mom said. "but that was embarrassing." Mintae said , her cheeks getting flushed in red. "you really love him don't you." Mintae's mom smiled. "i'm sure he'll he a great son-in-law for you too." Mintae said.

"son-in-law? he proposed?" her mom asked. "nope. but if he doesn't , i will. i'm gonna marry this man one day." Mintae chuckled at her imagination. "sure thing my daughter. if he's the right man for you , go for it. you have my blessings." her mom gave her a hug before leaving her alone.

Mintae checked herself in her dressing room mirror and made sure her cheeks were no longer pinkish before she picked up her phone to see that Yohan hasn't hung up. "sorry , i was talking to my mom earlier on." Mintae said. "it's fine , i have something to tell you." Yohan looked serious. "what is it? you don't look good." Mintae was worried.

"i think i'll just tell you when we meet this friday." Yohan said. "okay..good night then." Mintae said with a smile before they hung up. Mintae felt funny. she feared what will happen this friday. what is it he wanted to tell? is it , a break up?

time skip~

"boo!" Mintae jumped in front of Yohan who was waiting at the subway station. "okay let's go , we don't wanna be late for our reservation." Yohan said without a smile. Mintae's smile disappeared when she realised Yohan was not acting like himself.

the waitress brought them to their table when they entered the restaurant. Yohan booked a table for two at a restaurant where they had their first date. "Yohan , are you okay? you seem troubled." Mintae asked to get a fake smile in return. "you don't have to worry about it." Yohan said.

when the food came , the atmosphere was quiet and awkward between the two. Yohan would usually feed Mintae a few spoons of his share while she does the same but it's not happening now.

after dinner , the waitress brought a small bouquet of flowers and handed them to Mintae with a smile and nothing else. Mintae being confused , took the flowers and watched the waitress walk away. when she turned back , Yohan was on one knee diagonally in front of her.

"Yohan?" Mintae was shocked. "Mintae , i've been waiting for this day since we started dating. the day where i watch you walk down the aisle linking arms with your older brother in your beautiful wedding gown. i promised your dad when we visited his grave that i'll take good care of his daughter. i'm ready to keep that promise till i die. i'll be the best husband you can ever ask for. will you be willing to spend the rest of our lives together?" Yohan took out a tiny box and opened it , revealing his ring for her.

 will you be willing to spend the rest of our lives together?" Yohan took out a tiny box and opened it , revealing his ring for her

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Mintae felt a mixed of emotions rush through her entire body. she was starting to tear up from all the emotions and nodded as her reply. Yohan took the ring and slid it down her forth finger , giving her a kiss on her forehead. Mintae jumped up into his arms. "i thought you were going to break up with me." she cried.

Yohan chuckled and caressed her head. "sorry if i was acting a little cold. i was very nervous. looking at you in the eye was about to make my heart pound out of my chest."

"and i heard whatever you said yesterday night during our call." Yohan blushed. Mintae pushed herself away from his body and looked confused. "what do you mean?" she asked. "the words you told your mom when you put me away." Yohan said.

"wasn't i on mute?" Mintae asked. "you definitely wasn't. you just placed your phone face down on the bed. i heard everything you said and was very assured you'll accept my proposal." Yohan said. "oh crap.." Mintae bit her lip.

A/N : so sorry for the long wait ><

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