Eunsang-A Painful Dare Pt. 2

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Genre : Angst + Fluff

Song : Wanna One Hourglass

requested by Seanagulldia & yanagirenjiidealtype

third person's pov
words spreaded quickly about the couple's break up and of course people started humiliating Eunmi after they foud out she was dumped by Eunsang. she frequently got paper passed to her in class from random classmates that had hurtful words written on them passed to her , post-it notes stuck on her locker with words like 'HaHa' and 'Loser' written on them.

as more days went by , Eunmi just got more hurt each day. she was a girl who kept her worries and feelings to herself so not even her best friend Sasha , could get her to spill her feelings or cry her heart out.

Eunsang , might have stood by and tried ignoring how everyone was making fun of Eunmi but it was too painful for him to watch. he just couldn't stand seeing her get laughed at because of his stupid actions. he decided that he'll confront everyone and stop this humiliation for Eunmi.

however , Eunmi wasn't planning to go to school the next day. for some reason , she felt weak and didn't want to go to school. Sasha knew about this and informed their homeroom teacher about it. during their conversation , Eunsang overheard it and sighed to himself. his plans never work when he want them to.

of course he had plans to visit Eunmi at her house but decided to leave her to rest.

when she was back the next day , students were still mocking her while she had her head hung low. Eunsang followed her into school this morning and walked sneakily until she was at her locker where as usual , had post-its on them. before she could read them . Eunsang burst through the crowd and turned her to face him. everyone gasped when they saw Eunsang.

he could tell Eunmi cried last night because of her puffy eyes. "you've been crying." he said caressing her face. she gave him a slight push and looked down but Eunsang immediately pushed her chin up to make her look at him. "let's get back together." he said. "for what?" she asked. "the break up , it wasn't for real. i'll be honest with you , my friend dared me to break up with you , so i did. i'm sorry you're going through this because of my immaturity Eunmi." Eunsang said.

"i don't know.." Eunmi sighed. before she could push him away again , Eunsang leaned in and kissed her in front of everyone. he broke away after 3 seconds to which he saw Eunmi looking at him with her eyes wide open. he then turned to the crowd and held Eunmi's hand.

"listen everybody , me and Eunmi never stopped loving each other. to those who humiliated and mocked her , be ashamed of yourself. both of us still love each other ever since our love started and it never died. so stop bullying my girlfriend or you'll be sorry." Eunsang said pulled Eunmi away from the crowd.

when they were alone , Eunsang noticed how Eunmi still had her head hung low. "you keep your head low one more time i'm gonna kiss you." Eunsang said and Eunmi immediately lifted her head up again. "we're really back together?" she asked and he nodded. "i don't kiss any girl , i only kiss the girl i love."


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