"You guys can stay, the class is over but Luke and I have to film a video for Instagram after that do you want to maybe go get something to eat?" Line asks as we walk back upstairs.

"Sure" Anthony replies.

"How many floors does this building have" I ask curiosity filling my mind.

"One underground and three up" Line replies as we walk into the room they were in.

"Omg is that Anthony Reeves" a teen girl gasps.

"That's Jaden Hossler OMG" another one gasps.

"Ready to go downstairs" Luke asks Addy looking at me the grin on his face fading.

I already don't like this guy. Not one bit

"Yep, you coming" She asks as we all head for the stairs.

We head to the basement with this cool lighting set up.

"Go change into this" Like says tossing her an outfit as she heads to do so. "You like her don't you"

"Yeah you got a problem with that?" I ask a little more annoyed than I meant to sound but it is what it is.

"She's gonna be mine when she comes to her senses" Luke says before Line walks back in.

"Ready" she asks as they change the light settings.

"Three, two, one, go" The filmer says as the music starts.

They dance and boy are they good.

I wish I could do that so it could be me with her doing that.

"Your such a bitch, I told you I didn't want it to look like you were humping me and then kissing me but do you listen. God your lucky I love your mother or I'd just leave and never come back" Line yells as she grabs her bag from the hooks by the door. "Ashton come on boy let's go home"

"Looks like she doesn't like you bud" I say with a chuckle as I go to walk out, Luke punching me in the stomach and then again and again.

"Luke stop" Line screams pulling him off of me as others rush into the room. "Jay are you ok"

"I'm fine let's just go" I whisper as she helps me up and out the door.

x x x x x

"I'm sorry he did that, he's been troubled since the age of 14 I should have known something like this was gonna happen, again I'm really sorry" Line says as we are sat together in her Jeep in the parking lot of Taco Bell eating tacos.

"Mads, I'm fine really" I say grabbing hold of her hand.

"Mads, I like it" she remarks the smile growing on her face.

She gets a notification

Instagram: LucasLuna tagged you in a new video

Transplant Love - Jaden HosslerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon