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"Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave." — Mary Tyler Moore

Location: Oberoi mansion

The Oberoi family were made aware that a blissfully married and guilt free Omkara was a treat to watch. He smiled more often, laughed without inhibition, hoped for a future without fearing his luck. He never shied away in accepting that he loved his wife, touching and hugging her without thought of being judged and time and again flirted with her shamelessly.

Jhanvi was happy for her son. He deserved all the love in the world. As a child, when he was neck down with the guilt and pain of loosing his father, Jhanvi often feared that Omkara might harden his heart and fail to realize and welcome love because he often claimed that life does not give second chances and he lost his chance of being happy. Being raised in a family such as theirs, Jhanvi would not have been surprised if he had became a heard headed and non-God fearing monster, but Omkara always kept his heart away from the slander protecting it and allowing it to beat till the right person claimed it. She still remembers how happy and radiant he had been the first day he saw and got to know about Gauri. That was the first time after years that he became her Om again, keeping his head in her lap, telling her how beautiful she looked and how kind she was to her students and little friends. "I love her maa" he said with a twinkle in his eyes a blissful smile on his face and Jhanvi at the same moment decided that no matter what the circumstances, Gauri would be her future daughter-in law and she would make sure of that. Not only Oberoi men but also Oberoi Bahus get things done the way they wanted.

Shivaay was happy that he got his innocent and carefree brother back in addition to a sweet yet sassy sister he always wanted for himself. Being a male dominanted Khandan, the family and the brothers' early childhood lacked the female touch, when he used to pester his parents for a little sister. When he was first introduced to Anika, he instantly took to her lively nature and got a friend and first love for himself but always longed to dote on and play with someone whom he would go to when he had a tiff with his brothers or best friend. Gauri was a peace lily to his family and he made it his duty to ensure that she stays nourished with drops of love and rays of respect. Anika and Rudy were happy to get someone as mischievous as them in their plans to annoy the rest of the Oberois, while Shakti, Pinky and Daadi only prayed that their artistic boy continues to find inspiration in his muse to stay happy forever.

Gauri knew that her husband was an artist by hobby but she was not prepared for the talent that enchanted her that day when her husband decided to take her to his home studio and show her some of his masterpieces. Gauri knew what the phrase 'blown off your feet' meant as she experienced it then, looking at her husband's sketches of her from the period she had no clue of his love for her. Everytime he saw her, he sketched her to memorize that moment and perhaps to show them to her if their destiny did permit him to... He drew pictures of their occasional meets prior to their marriage and highlighted her dominant expression which he thought was dear to him. Gauri could clearly see the transition...from fear on her first meet to shock and daze on their second meet, blush when he asked her for a chance at love, laughter when he once spend time with her and her little friends at school,her love when he did something as small as cook her favorite cake to woo her, anger when her colleagues at college tried to hit on him while jealousy when he was being nice to them, hurt when she decided to leave him and passion when they first kissed.

Omkara was back hugging her and explaining each of the painting , how he would find excuses to come to their college just to get a glimpse of her, how he scared off a few male lecturers who appeared to show interest in her, how he felt calm when she danced with her students in college and laughed to the jokes of her little friends at school. Gauri turned to him with happy tears, raised her hand to caress his stubbled cheek and asked him why he loved her so much. His answer was a smile and a kiss to her forehead. Gauri hugged him tight never wanting the moment to pass. "I Love you Omkaraji" she confessed and Omkara chuckled saying "Finally" returning her hug with equal love if not more.

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