So I placed my ear on the door, but DONT WORRY. I didn't rip my ear off and tape it on the door, NaH. Of course not. Nah fool, I TURNED my head to the side and placed my ear on the door with my ear still INTACT on my head.

After a few seconds, I could hear heavy breathing and slight groans.

Is he...? No. No. No no no-no-no. If he was, he would have answered by now. So-

Once again I broke the door open with ease, using my foot, wearing black boots with heels  (just like in the anime except these boots aren't long af that reach your knees.) breaking it in the process.

Once I entered Levi wasn't doing what I thought he was doing, but he seemed to be asleep. I walked to the side of his bed, his face was red, he was sweating and his face was in pain.

How the FUCK did he sleep through that??

I questioned as I stared at him. I raised my hand and placed it o his forehead. Yeah. He's sick. Levi Ackerman. Sick. Hasn't happened in years. I walked to the kitchen, filling a bowl with cold water, and grabbed a cloth. Also a chair.

I walked back to Levi's room, setting the bowl down on his nightstand and soaking the cloth with water. I squeezed most of the water out of the cloth, folding it into a rectangle and placing it on Levi's forehead after moving his hair out of the way.

His face slightly eased up but seemed he was having a nightmare. He muttered something, but I didn't quite hear it. I sat on the chair and leaned forward, trying to hear what he was saying and finally heard him.

"Stop... D-Don't go... Isa-bel... Farlan-" He muttered with sorrow in his tone as he started squirming around in his bed.

I sighed and started caressing his hair, trying to ease him up. Seems whenever I did that he calmed down most of the time, but if it was worse I would have to wake him.

After a few seconds, his body replaced and his face looked more peaceful. I slid my hand down to the side of his face as my thumb caressed his cheekbone. After a minute or so, I was about to remove my hand, but.

He moved his left hand up to mine and placed his hand over mine as if he was making sure I don't remove my hand. "Don't leave, Estelle..." Levi muttered as his eyes slowly opened and stared at me with so much sorrow in his eyes.

I smiled softly at him, not trying to remove my hand at all. "I won't, Levi," I responded in a soft tone.

([A/n] Wow. Very. Fucking. Cliche? No. Cringe. God I'm so sorry...)

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

"Levi! Levi. Leeeeviiii. Le-" I was cut off by a wet cloth smacking me in the face.

"What the hell is it, brat?" I heard Levi ask in annoyance with his voice a bit raspy.

I threw the cloth off my face and onto the bed. I walked over, setting the bowl of soup and sitting on the chair. "I made soup" I answered, glancing over at him.

"Leave it there..." Levi said as he turned with his back facing me.

Wowowowowowowoowowowowowow. Wow. How ruuude.

I turned him back, on his back, and placed my hand on his forehead. "What the hell...?" Levi questioned as I pulled my hand back.

His body temperature has gone down, but not completely back to normal.

"Eat." I demanded as I held the bowl beside him. He stared at the bowl and looked away, refusing to eat, acting like some 5 year old not wanting to eat their vegetables.

I set the bowl down and try and remember what else I did whenever Levi was sick. Soon I finally remembered another thing I did which surprisingly never got me sick. But.

If I do that now. Now that I'm 25... ShouldIAsk?ShouldIJustSlideInTheBedBesideHim? Fuck it.

I sighed, taking my boots off and sliding into the bed with him. I didn't cuddle, but instead, I sat up, sitting on my fucking legs, placing Levi's head on my lap and started playing with his hair.

What? Did you think we were gonna cuddle? Haha. Mother fucker he's sick and I have work tomorrow. We did cuddle when we were younger, but that's when I was shorter than him. Beside this is like cuddling, right?

"What the hell are you doing, brat?" Levi glared at me, voice still raspy and his face red from his sickness.

I looked around for the cloth and saw it laying right beside Levi's head, more or so in front of me. I grabbed the cloth, stacked it, squeezed most of the water out, folded it into a rectangle, and placed it on Levi's forehead.

"I did something else when we were younger, but I know you'll be pissed if I get sick tomorrow." I chuckled, remembering Levi continuously scold me when we were younger.

"Tch. That was your fault." Levi groaned as he closed his eyes, seeming to feel much more comfortable with me playing with his hair.

"Yeah." I smiled at Levi's calmed face. He looked so vulnerable, I wanted to take pictures, but that would make me a creep. Obviously. So I just continued caressing his hair, till he fell asleep.

"Levi." Levi hummed in response half awake half asleep.

"I broke both of your doors, getting here." I said awkwardly.

"...You better fix them.." Levi responded threateningly.

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