Chapter 8

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"A substitute? What the hell, I don't know a thing about History! You can't do this sh—" I was shushed before I could finish, by Amara. She's a history teacher for the 'Survey Corp University' where it's located in City Maria. It's a weird name, but I could care less what it's called.

It's for students from age 15 and up. It's huge and it's where Eren attends. Now my cousin Amara, the only relative I have a good relationship with, is asking me to substitute for her.

"Just for one day! If you do— I'll pay you!" Amara says. I stare as her suspiciously, but she doesn't seem to be lying, so I give in.

"Fiiine. Just give me instructions on what to do." I sigh in defeat. Amara's eyes lit up and she cheers in victory. I cover her mouth and tell her to shut up, which she does.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

Eren's P.O.V.

"Hey, Eren. Did you hear our history teacher won't be attending class today." Armin says as he walks beside me. I walked between Mikasa and Armin, to my University.

"Hah? Really? Awesome! That means no real work!" I say happily. I don't mind our history teacher, but she can get quite boring to listen to. She even gets bored with herself.

"That doesn't mean you should slack off, Eren." Mikasa says, continuing to look forward.

"Oh c'mon, Mikasa! You know I won't. I'm just happy that we don't have to work too hard than usual." I scoff, looking nowhere.

Once we finally made into our first class, history, I take my seat beside Armin and Mikasa, waiting for the substitute.

After a minute or two, there's still no one. "Maybe their lost." Armin suggests, looking at the entrance door.

"Or maybe they just didn't want to come here, so they ditched. We should do the same, what do you say, Armin?" Jean asked, looking up at us.

"Screw off Jean-Boy. No one wants to skip with you." I say, glaring at him.

"Would you stop with the nickname? You suicidal maniac!" Jean shouts as he stands from his seat.

"As if! Quit calling me a suicidal maniac, you horse face!" I shout back, standing from my seat and slamming my hands on the desk.

"Eren, sit down." Mikasa says, raising her hand to sit me down.


"HAH?! SHUT IT BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN THE GUT!" I shout back, clenching my fist.

. . .

"TRY IT! I DARE YOU!" Jean shouts, spitting in my face as he spoke, gripping my shirt and his fist raised.

"QUIT SPITTING IN MY FACE YOU DAMN HORSE!" I shout also gripping his shirt, with a fist raised.

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