Chapter 5

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Estelle was getting patched up by Eren after the fight between her and Arnost. Arnost was already patched up. They were covered in scratches and cuts that luckily wouldn't leave scars. They both sat on the sofa, both on the opposite side with Estelle on the right and Arnost on the left.

While Mikasa stood from afar glaring at Estelle. She noticed it but wasn't phased by it at all. That cold stare reminded her a lot of Levi so she was used to it.

"Ugly hoe." Arnost started.

"Tiny dick." Estelle barked back.

"...Small tits!" Arnost half-shouted, turning his head to her.

"BITCH! I have tits!" Estelle shouted as she stood up and turned towards Arnost.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night! ALSO, I HAVE A DICK!" Arnost shouted back also standing up.

"I'LL FUCK YOU UP AGAIN! DON'T THINK I WON'T!" Estelle shouted as she took out her knife.

"OH! I'm so scared!" Arnost sarcastically says waving his hands up.

"I will shave your hair while you sleep...." Estelle threatened as she glared at him deadly, raising her knife up.

"Oh god I'm sorry, please don't..." Arnost genuinely apologized as he sat back down.

Estelle smiles in victory and put her knife away. Eren just stared in awe and felt his face become warm.

He doesn't know why, but seeing her smile whenever she wins a fight or argument of something stupid he can't help, but fall in love with her even more.

After a few minutes of questioning between Estelle and Arnost, she drags him away and waves bye to the two teenagers.

Eren was going to stop her. Beg her to say. Beg her to just live with him. But again. They're both 10 years apart and it's not appropriate at his age.

Meanwhile, Estelle continues walking till she stops at a big comfy nice-looking house. The house of her aunt. The house where Arnost lives. The house where Estelle grew up.

The house where she lived hell for 4 years before moving out last year.



Seems she forgot to include that.

"Are you coming in? Or are you just going to stand there like some dead fish?" Arnost asked, glaring at her. Earlier at Eren's house, he somehow got in by the window to wait for Estelle since he didn't know where she lived, only to tell her that her aunt wants to see her again.

"That doesn't even make sense." Estelle scowled as she walked up the steps.

Arnost opened the door and there stood her Aunt with a not-so-innocent smile, plastered on her face.

"It's been a year my dear Estelle." Her aunt said with a smile as she narrowed her eyes at Estelle, then glancing at the clothes she was wearing.

Estelle wore a white shirt that slightly showed her belly, but not too much, with a light blue jean hooded button jacket, light blue jeans, and white checker vans.

"You look like a whore seeking attention with that clothing. Change." Her aunt said. Her name is Malia.

What a bitter bitch.

Estelle thought to herself as she glared at her aunt. Her aunt Malia was also an impatient person that snapped only at those she looks down at.

"I'm sure I made myself clear. Change our of that horrific clothing." Malia snapped as she glared back at Estelle.

"Change that personality of yours. You bitter bitch." Estelle barked back, not having any of it. When she lived with them she was still slightly weak due to her injuries, so her aunt was much much stronger than her, despite her old age.

So, her aunt took advantage of that. Whenever she poorly talked back at her, she would be punished. She wasn't just bitter but was also like a disgusting creature who took pleasure in hurting others weaker than her.

"...Tetsuya. Grab her." Her aunt Malia demanded. Before Estelle could react she was tightly grabbed by a man who was a suffering servant for her aunt. She was cuffed, tripped, and tied by her ankles. Being dragged to a dark, cramped room in the basement.

The same room she was always dragged to when she pissed off her aunt. No matter what happened. When she was cuffed and tied, she was too petrified to move. Her body just gave up. That was the only time she was so weak.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

Levi's P.O.V.

I finally finished with all the work needed back at the university. I parked at my apartment and stepped out. As soon as I took my keys out, I noticed someone walking towards the apartment.

I turned my head to the right and widened my eyes when I saw her limping. She raised her head and she looked petrified, but she put on a fake smile on her face when she saw me.

"Ah, Levi. You're wearing a suit. Not too shabby." Estelle said as she chuckled. Her voice was raspy as if she'd been yelling.

"What the hell happened to you? Your shirt is stained with blood and you're limping." I asked as I looked at her red-stained shirt then back up at her.

"Just got into a fight. Don't worry though, it's just a scratch. I've been through worse." She waves it off as she stood straight and winced.

"You idiot. You've been through worse, but that doesn't mean shit. Your body can only take so much. Now tell me what the hell actually happened." I demanded as I narrowed my eyes at her.

She looked away and sighed. "C'mon Levi. You know I can handle my injuries. It's. Not a... Big deal-" I reacted quickly and caught her before she fell to the ground.

I noticed that my hand that held her back was starting to stain with blood. I slightly lifted her shirt to see her stomach wasn't recently injured.

"Shit. Something definitely happened worse than a fight. I can't lose this idiot again." I cursed under my breath. I took my phone out and called an ambulance.

What the hell happened to her?

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