💫Midnight Meeting🌙 (LukaNoir)

Start from the beginning

"I wish I could touch the water." he sighed.

 "Me too." another voice said. Lukas eyes widened and jumped a little and quickly turned to the person who spoke. It was none other than Chat Noir. 

"Ch..Chat Noir? What are you doing here?" Luka questioned. 

The hero stared at him and giggled a bit at his reaction.

 "Sorry, I didnt mean to frighten you, it's just that I needed to get my thoughts cleared," he said.

 "But why did you come here? I mean it's not like I mind your company I'm just wondering." Luka pondered. 

"I was just on patrol and I happen to see you all by yourself and thought maybe you needed company." he replied.  "Also to get closer to you." he thought to himself. 

"Yeah, I guess I do need someone with me right now." the blue boy responded.

Luka looked up at the sky. The stars reflecting on his bright blue eyes. The moonlight was shining lightly on his pale frame. Suddenly a gust of wind came and that caused his hair to move with it. Chat Noir was just mesmerized on how attractive the blue haired boy looked. He couldn't lie that he felt a certain attraction to him. Not only because of his appearance, but because of his kind heart. 

As Adrien he felt a little nervous around him mainly because he never felt attracted to a boy before. Ladybug started to leave his mind. It's not like he had a chance with her. After all she loves someone else, so why even bother flirting with her anymore. But then again, would Luka even love him? I mean he might not even be attracted to boys and that is why he feared of telling him. He feared rejection. He feared of being alone for the rest of his life. Not only that, but he feared that if his father found out that he had feelings for a boy he would most likely ruin his life even more. All he wanted was someone to love him for his true self, not just some model on a magazine. He was tired of everyone seeing him as an object, especially the girls at school. 

It was the same for Luka. He liked Marinette, he really did, but sometimes she would just go overboard with her crush and act like the victim. So he decided to move on. This time, his love was stronger. He just couldn't deny his feelings, but it wasn't the right time to let them free. 

"What are you thinking about? Is it something about love or a heartbreak? Or is it the feeling that you want to be with somebody but you just can't?" Chat Noir suddenly asked. 

"Something like that." Luka sighed, "anyway what about you?"

"Well I really like somebody who is the best person that I ever met in my entire life. When I am with them my whole world suddenly lights up. My life isn't at its best right now, but this person makes me feel special and I feel the need to protect them at all costs. The problem is that they probably won't feel the same. That is what I am afraid of.." he said.

"You will never know if you don't try. I mean there is no point of just hiding. That is just going to keep hurting you more  and more until eventually it's too late." Luka responded. 

"I'm also afraid of what others will say. There are certain people who don't accept certain things. They just expect everyone to be "perfect" in this world in order to be able to live. What a bunch of crap." Chat muttered. 

"Yeah, you can't go anywhere these days without being judged. Pathetic" 

There was a bit of silence. A comfortable silence. The wind was still blowing and the crickets were chirping. The blue boy and feline hero looked at each other in the eyes for a split second turning the opposite way immediately blushing nervously. The peaceful silence was cut off by Chat's ring beeping, indicating that he was going to de transform soon. The previous ones went off earlier. 

"Well it's time for me to go. I really appreciated you allowing me to stay with you for a while. I hope everything goes well in your love life and that you find the right one." Chat smiled.

"Before you go, can you tell me who this special someone is?" Luka asked.

"I'm afraid not. Maybe one day but not today. But can you tell me who is this person who keeps appearing in your mind?" Chat tried to plead with his cat eyes. Luka blushed and shook his head. 

"I'll tell you when you tell me. I promise" 

Chat nodded his head and when he was about to leave he quickly gave the blue haired boy a tight hug, thankful that his masked covered his pink face.  Luka's face reddened and he stood there frozen but then accepted the hug. He felt safe and protected in the hero's arms. It was also cute how the blue boy was much taller than the hero. They pulled away and Chat jumped on his staff and winked at him and started jumping away. Luka stared with a lovesick smile until he was out of sight. 

"The person I love is, well it's you." they both whispered to themselves.💙🖤

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