" Wow... " Louis breathes. " Just...wow.... " Louis breathes wrapping his arms tightly around Harry not each caring that they were covered in come.

" Louis. " Harry smiles.

" Yes love? "

" Eleanor knows about us... "

" No she doesn't. " Louis sits in pain.

" Yes, she does at the album release party when you went to the restroom she told me she knew and she made this mark on my arm with her nails..... " Harry shows Louis the nail marks on his arms. " That's why she's acting all clingy and not wanting you around me. "

" Why didn't you tell me? " Louis asked.

" Because then you have asked how did it happened and I don't want you to know what I told her because your going to ne mad. "

" What did you tell her? "

" I told her about you going to my house and when you came back she kissed I flipped her off and mouthed ' how do I taste? ' "

" Nice. " Louis chuckles and bumps fists with Harry.

"Are you mad? "

" Yeah, at Eleanor....I guess Elounor's time is up. "

" What does that mean? "

" You will see in the morning. "


" GET OUT! " Louis shouts throwing Eleanor's stuff outside.

" I'm not going anywhere. " Eleanor frowns sitting down on the couch.

" YES YOU'RE! " Louis shouts.

" Nope. "


" If I go that f@g goes too. " Eleanor points at Harry watching.

" YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON MY BABY BROTHER! " Gemma shouts walking in.

" Who the hell are you? " Eleanor stands up.

" You called your sister? " Louis asked.

" Well...yeah...we can't put our hands on her and I knew she wasn't going to leave without being physically removed. " Harry shrugs.

" You really think that your sister can remove me from this house? "

" Grim takes MMA. " Harry says.

" What the hell is that? " Eleanor asked.

" Mixed Martial Arts. " Louis says. " Duh. "

" Grim is a red belt with a black stripe. "

" Yup, it's the highest rank. " Gemma balls up her fist.

" Okay! Okay ! Okay! I'm leaving! " Eleanor runs out.

" Do you really do MMA? " Louis asked.

" Hell no I'm way too pretty for that! " Gemma says and wraps her arm around Harry. " You alright little bro? "

" I'm fine. " Harry nods his head.

" Are you ready to go? " Gemma says and Harry shakes his head.

" I was going to stay here one more day. " Harry looks at Louis.

" What's going on here? " Gemma crosses her arm.

" Nothing we're just friends... " Harry says.

" Harry it's okay you can tell her.... " Louis says and Harry looks at him confused. " Me and Harry are together. "

" What? " Gemma says.

" I know what your thinking I'm a grown man and Harry is just 16 but me and Harry are in love and we have been keeping it our little secret so I hope that you respect that. " Louis grabs Harry hand.

" Aww.... " Gemma says. " You two do look good together. "

" Thank you. " Louis smiles.

" Well Harry I will call you when I make it back home. " Gemma says and leaves.

" You finally told someone you loved me.... "

" Your sister isn't just someone she's part of your life and I want people part of your life to know I'm going to take care you. "

" What about your mum you can't hide it from her. "

" When I visit her soon I will tell her if you come with me. "

" You know I will. "

" I know. " Louis wraps his arms around Harry. " You know how embarrassing this is? "

" What? "

" My 16 year old boyfriend is taller than me. "

" I love you. " Harry leans down and pecks Louis's lips.

" Love you too. "

|A/N: Do you think Jay will accept Louis or disown him?|

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