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Omg, twenty chapters is this real? I hope yall like it! Sorry about all of the cliffhangers... NOT! HEHE...

Wvwr since Peter and I walked down from the roof, tension was thick between us, I asked for a few days to make the decision. I wanted to stay but I couldn't, to many people have betrayed me and as soon as they figured out who I was...

The others were lounging in the large living room watching some show, while I heard clanking in the kitchen. I walked towards the sound, I miss cooking so much. I was at the door when I heard a voice growl.

"Where are you going?" I looked up to see Tony glaring at me.

"Tony be nice." Pepper walked out of the kitchen, sending a smile towards me.
"Do you like to cook?" I blushed pink.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I could always use some help, would you like to help." She smiled like a mom would, a grin split my face.

"Yes, please!" Tony started to argue but she glared at him and he shut up immediately.

We walked into the kitchen and Pepper started to look around the room.

"What's your favorite food Leo? I need a meal plan."

"Tacos! I use to make them every week!"

"Perfect, do you know the recipe?"

"Yup!" I listed off the ingredients as she looked for them, we had everything but a few seasonings those were easily substituted though. The kitchen was large and had plenty of counter space, I directed Pepper to cut up the tomatoes, lettuce and a lime on a wooden cutting board. While I started cooking up the meat.

"How was your day Miss Potts?"

"Fast paced for sure, but I like it that way, if that makes sense."

"I totally agree! Do you mind if I play music."

"Sure!" I asked J.A.R.V.I.S to play Despasito, I started rapping with it and Pepper soon joined in, we screamed a line and burst out laughing. Tony burst through the door which made us laugh (if possible) harder, he saw us laughing and J.A.R.V.I.S playing Despasito, he just shook his head and walked out.

Once we settled down I raced back to the sizzling meat.

"When did you learn Spanish?" We asked in unison which made us laugh again, I pointed to her.

"I've been to every state, one minute me and Tony are chilling in a hotel in New Jersey the next he is bringing me on a surprise vacation to New Orleans. So I learned quick." She said with a shrug, and a point to me.

"My mom taught me, she would switch between the two constantly it's just how we spoke. But when I went to school no one could understood me because I switched so much. But I learned how to stick to one." She smiled and walked over to try the fresh off the stove beef.

"This is so good!" I grinned and blushed.

"Thank you."

"Where did you learn?"

"My mamà use to work at a machine shop and I wanted to make sure she ate so on weekends I got her to teach me. This is her recipe."

"You really adored her didnt you?"

"She was my world."

"How about your parents Miss Potts?"

"Call me Pepper. They were hard working people, but they never loved me they always left me home alone, I was an only child and they worked for the Starks. I taught myself how to do most things."

"You got it good, you learned all that young so now you can get by easier you know how to do most things and now you can have fun with ease."

"I guess your right. Your pretty smart."

"Thanks, dinner is ready." I stubbed my toe on the oven and started hopping around and placed my hand down to steady myself. Right on the burner. Luckily I dont think she saw.

Me and Pepper started to bring the food out to the humungous dinning table. The Avengers ran in as soon as the words "Din-" left Peppers lips.

The Last Time Leo Runs? (hoO and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now