Final Boss

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Cristina dragged the unconscious Smesh and Jacqueline into Lux's office and smiled evilly.

Cristina: Here they are.

Lux: Ah, good...

Smesh: ...

Lux: Very good work, Cristina. 

Belle: Well, that was fast. What are you going to do with them?

Lux: Hmm... I believe I can make good use of them for TasCorp.

Cristina: There's two other people, though.

Lux: I am aware, and I am certain you will bring them to me.

Cristina: I will indeed. *Walks out of the office*

Meanwhile with MR Crystal, she finished taking down a few guards and cracked her knuckles.

MR Crystal: Phew, you guys got some hits on me, but that won't be enough to take me down-

Sofia: Crystal! Come in!

MR Crystal: *Grabs her radio* Sofia? What's wrong?

Sofia: L-Lux has Smesh and Jacqueline, and even worse! Cristina is under some sort of mind control!

MR Crystal: WHAT?! Shit...!

Sofia: Be careful and please do not be caught-


Masa: Calm down, Lamar! Crystal, find Infinite quickly!

MR Crystal: That's what I'm about to do! *Puts the radio back in her pocket and starts running through the building* Infinite, where are you?!

At the other side of the TasCorp building, MR Infinite's ear twitched, he knew that something was wrong.

MR Infinite: Crap... 

TasCorp Security Guards: *Annoying riot noises*

MR Infinite: Ah, shit! Come on, then!

MR Infinite ran towards the crowd and started to fight his way through them.

TasCorp Security Guard 1: OOF!

TasCorp Security Guard 2: OUCH!

TasCorp Security Guard 3 : OOOH, MAH DICK!

MR Infinite: Get out of my way, you bastards-

The guards pulled out their stun sticks and started to brutally beat MR Infinite down.

MR Infinite: AGH! *Falls to the floor*

TasCorp Security Guard 1: We've got you now-

A surge of electricity went through all of the guards and killed them.

MR Infinite: Huh?

MR Crystal: Phew... Thank god there's shortcuts around this place... *Helps MR Infinite get up* You okay, honey?

MR Infinite: Battered and bruised, but not down.

MR Crystal: Phew, we gotta save Smesh and Jacqueline...

MR Infinite: Damn Lux... Alright, let's go save them and end this shit...

The couple headed towards Lux's office and busted the door down.

Lux: Ah, hello there, you two. So glad that you could join us...

MR Infinite: LUX! Let our friends go!

MR Crystal: Or we'll make you and your company wish that you'd never set foot in the Super Universe!

Lux: *Chuckles* I don't think so. Business is big, and it'll be thousands of times bigger if we harness Cristina's power.

Smesh X Cristina: TasCorp TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now