Magic Madness

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Jacqueline slowly opened her eyes and let out a small groan of pain.

Jacqueline: O-ow... Jesus, why does it feel like an anvil fell on my head...?

Cristina: *Walks into the room* Jackie! *Hugs Jacqueline tightly*

Jacqueline: A-agh...! Ow!

Cristina: O-oh, shit! Sorry...

Jacqueline: Oof... It's fine... Just in a lot of pain, and I have a huge headache...

Cristina: Yeah... What happened, Jackie? How'd they manage to get a hold of you?

Jacqueline: Ugh, well it's faint. All I remember is a bright light, getting tackled by Flesh and Toxica, then I was knocked out and woke up in TasCorp. Then they put that mind control device on me...

Cristina: I see... When I see Lux, I'm going to kill him...

Smesh walked into the room and gave Cristina a peck on the cheek.

Smesh: Please calm down, sweetie...

Cristina nodded and sat next to Jacqueline as she let out a little sigh and looked at Smesh.

Cristina: ...

Smesh: Is something wrong, sweetie?

Cristina: Just worried... About my emotions, that's all...

Smesh: *Sigh* I'm worried too... I got really scared when that dark aura surrounded you... Thank god you managed to control yourself...

Cristina: Yeah...

MR Infinite: *Walks into the room* Hello, everyone.

Jacqueline: Hmm...? Wait... Infinite?

MR Infinite: I'll explain later. For now, you should continue to rest, Jacqueline. 

Cristina: Yeah, I agree. Go back to sleep, Jackie. You'll feel better when you wake up.

Jacqueline: Okie dokie... *Closes her eyes and falls asleep*

MR Infinite: Also, Cristina? Masa wants you for something.

Cristina: Hmm?

MR Infinite: He wants to test your skills.

Cristina: Ah! Alrighty then.

Smesh followed Cristina and MR Infinite into the gaming room, Masa was playing a game of Tempest against Lamar and MR Crystal.

Lamar: Dang it! Crystal, how do you ALWAYS sneak up on me like that?

MR Crystal: I have my ways, Lamar.

Masa: Stay focused, you two. 

MR Infinite: Hey, Masa. I have Cristina here.

Masa: Ah, good. 

Cristina: Hi, Masa. So, I presume we're playing Tempest?

Masa: Correct, have you played it before?

Cristina: Actually, yes.

Lamar: Oh, you have?

Cristina: Mmhmm. During Jackie's birthday, I took her inside the game with my Omega Game Gauntlet V and taught her a whole bunch of spells. In fact, she can now use those spells whenever she wishes, even outside of Tempest itself.

Lamar: ...NANI...?!


Masa: ...You were able to give your friend... The spells within the game?

Smesh X Cristina: TasCorp TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now