13 | Luka

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"What did you guys get up to yesterday?" Yukari asks, looking up from her homework book and glancing at us each in turn. The ink flowing down through her fountain pen is staining the page, though she keeps her hand stationary nonetheless, eagerly awaiting our responses.

Miki tilts her head at the inquiry as if trying to recall, delicately combing her pale fingers through silky red locks. "Not much, pretty much just binged through Netflix shows the entire day," she responds. Typical Miki — she's quite frankly a chaotic crackhead, but she's just as renounce for doing fuck all at the best of times. It's black or white with her, there's no grey.

Yukari nods her head, attention shifting back to her work. "Fair enough," is her reply, before she quickly glances up at Ring, who seems to be in a world of her own. "What about you, Ring?"

Ring clearly wasn't expecting to be spoken to, for her surprised gaze snaps to Yukari. She blinks once, twice, before leaning back and flashing a shy smile. "I took the ponies out for a ride in the local woods," she says. Her voice is so soft and quiet, I have to strain my ears just to hear her. Honestly, I forgot what she sounded like; she barely ever talks to any of us, just nods and laughs along when necessary. "You?"

"Assignments," Yukari responds simply with a sigh. "I've got so much to catch up on, which is great." She looks up at me, IA and Meiko, a slight smirk on her lips. "And what about you troublemakers?"

"Meiko was no doubt off getting drunk somewhere," IA rolls her eyes with an airy laugh, earning a scowl from the brunette. "Luka and I met up in the morning. Yknow, just hanging out." I smile as I recall our morning; that smile only widens as I think about meeting Miku later that day.

"IA took me to the skate park because she wanted to practise her tricks. Don't be fooled, though; she fell off, it was hilarious," I stifle a laugh as I recall the elegant blonde tumbling onto the ground, the skateboard zooming off into the distance without her.

Unamused, IA pulls a face. "You're not one to talk, you can't even ride the damn thing!"

"Actually, I've gotten a lot better recently," I shoot back, hoping I sound more confident than I feel — as fun as skateboarding is, I'm even more prone to falling off, and it's a far less glamorous sight. "Though, you'll never guess who I bumped into on the way home."

Immediately, five pairs of eyes all bore into me, curiosity tinging their gaze. "Could it have been Lily?" Miki asks, a sour note in her voice.

"Or was it Kaito?" Meiko chips in.

I shoot Meiko a glance. "Of course your first thought is your Crypton High boyfriend." The brunette opens her mouth to defend herself, though I cut her off before she gets the chance. "No, it wasn't Lily, nor was it Kaito."

Yukari narrows her eyes, curious. "Then who was it?" She asks, an almost demanding tone to her straight-forward voice.

I can't help but smile as I speak about a certain tealette. "I saw Miku in the local grocery store. I couldn't just pass her by, so I decided to invite her out for a coffee. Hot chocolate, in her case." Her gleaming eyes spring to mind; I wonder what she's up to right now?

Miki raises an eyebrow, her expression instantly softening. "What a coincidence. How is she doing?" The redhead has a heart of gold when it really comes down to it, and Miku's episode at the recital two days ago was enough to concern her.

Grateful for her concern, I nod my head once. "She's doing a lot better, and she seemed a lot more at ease. We exchanged contacts, so..." I find my voice tailing to an end, and I pause. "She's just a cute girl with a great personality. Yknow how it goes."

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