xiii. ten duel commandments

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"While holding one of the revolvers," Morte explains, "you won't be able to use your own Stand. In addition, when I fire, the bullet will automatically be drawn to you, as you are my target. It's capable of changing direction, so dodging or trying to catch it won't work. Your bullet will do the same to me. This isn't a matter of who has the best aim but rather who can draw faster. If you are struck, your bullet will disappear. You don't get a do-over because the bullet will kill you on contact, piercing straight through your heart. As you can guess, I have never lost."

My mind reels at Morte's words. This feels more like a death sentence than a duel. I take a deep breath and call out, "Ready when you are."

"So eager," she nearly purrs. She takes a step to her left; we begin walking opposite each other in a circular motion. "Uno."

I say the next. "Due."


"Quattro." I replay her description of her Stand in my head.


"Sei." There has to be a way to beat it. I have to beat it.


"Otto." Wait a second.


"Dieci." A loophole.

One gunshot rings out. Morte yelps in pain, her shoulder slowly turning crimson with blood. She stares at me wide-eyed. The wound isn't fatal in the least, but if she hasn't lost before today, it's definitely a shock. "How?" she growls.

I close the portals I opened in just the nick of time. The golden revolver sits uselessly on the ground and slowly begins to fade away. "I dropped the revolver so that I'd be able to use my Stand. Since the middle of the portal isn't a physical object, the bullet would not be able to tell it was blocking it. So, either the bullet would go through the portal and hit you, or it would turn back around and be going back and forth indefinitely. Either of which would be better than instant death. Well, maybe there was a chance it'd come back and kill me anyway. To be honest, I thought your Stand would be harder to beat than this."

Morte growls at me. "Well, aren't you a bright one?" She aims her revolver at me. "I purposely didn't tell you that I can use this as a regular gun. Bullets are fast, my dear; do you think you can open a portal fast enough this time?"

I sigh and raise my hands. You're really beginning to test me.

Before she can fire, a person appears in my peripheral and slams into my side with inhuman force, sending me flying. I land just mere inches away from a wall of stone. My head spins; pain spikes in my leg and entire right side. A cry of pain claws its way out of my throat. I turn my gaze to Morte.

She stares me down as a tall man helps her stand. A wicked grin then splits her face. "I had fun, mio caro, but I'll be off now. Arrivederci!" The pair begin to take their leave.

I try to get my feet under me, but instead I tremble and fall back down. My vision blurs a bit; a faint ringing drones in my ears. I close my eyes and try to refocus. Long minutes pass before I'm brought back to being fully conscious.

"Quinn!" a familiar voice calls.

I open my eyes and see Bucciarati hurrying toward me. He helps me sit up and looks me over quickly.

"Are you injured? I don't see anything, but I can't tell how you're feeling."

"I'm fine," I reply, getting to my feet with help from him. "That 'guy' I followed was actually Morte. Her Stand is a dueling set."

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