xi. hot n cold

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An hour later, when the train comes to a stop at Roma Termini station, every last nerve in my body is on pins and needles. The platform is much more crowded than the one in Napoli Centrale. I sling my bag onto my shoulder and file out the car. The slight buzz of conversation and people grabbing their luggage are the only sounds I hear. My sense stay on high alert. As I make my way through the station, I glance sideways at anyone with blond hair. There aren't many, and none of them match my target. She slipped away from me. But unless she lost her guts sometime during the train ride, she'll be waiting for me right outside.

I didn't gather anything useful other than she knows who I am and that she's working for Cuore. Her face doesn't seem familiar from Cirillo's list either. She must not be too high in rank, then. As for being a Stand user, it'd be unwise to assume that she's not.

I step out the front entrance and feel the warmth of sunlight. My first instinct is to close my eyes and bask in it, but a familiar head of blond hair catches my eye. I turn to her. A wicked smile is plastered onto her face. She raises an eyebrow at me. "You showed up. Follow me, and we can get this over with, yes?" She turns on her heel and crosses the street.

She leads me through the crowds to an empty alley that's relatively clear of trash. She then faces me, her smile even wider and more sinister. "I don't know if you've ever killed anybody, but I certainly have. Seeing their blood drain, watching the light fade from their eyes . . . I absolutely adore death. It's the end of everything, and people are willing to do just about anything to delay a completely natural process. I view that as an insult."

She's batshit crazy. "Interesting philosophy, Signorina . . . "

"You don't need my name." She tilts her head. "What's the use of knowing someone's name if you're going to die in a few short moments?"

I shrug my bag off my shoulder and toss it to the side. I then stick my hands in my pockets. "Enough talk then if you're dead set on killing me. Let's dance."

Blondie attacks faster and harder than I could have anticipated. Her stand emerges from her shoulder, half fiery orange and half white, and sends ice hurtling my way. In a panic, I open the biggest portal I can and cower behind it, the exit placed behind me and aimed toward the sky. My head swims a bit at the amount of energy this takes.

The attack abruptly stops.

After a few heartbeats, I peek out from behind the portal. Blondie, her Stand floating idly by her side, sees me and bursts into laughter. "Oh my God! You should see your face! You look so scared!"

Unable to keep the portals open, I close them both. She's already managed to nearly exhaust me. This woman is beginning to get on my nerves. "I didn't know Cuore hired freak shows. Can't exactly say I'm surprised."

Blondie just laughs harder. "You're a funny one. I'm going to enjoy cutting that pretty throat of yours and watching all the crimson stream from your skin." Her eyes are . . . hungry. Like the way a starved person would look at food. "As you said, let's dance."

I hold my hands ready at my sides. It's in the air as to whether or not she'll try the same attack again. She's likely an experienced killer, but it's safe to say she's also got a few screws loose. I should expect anything and everything from her.

"Hot N Cold!" she yells. "Burn her alive!"

Her Stand attacks in the same manner, but this time it's orange side is glowing faintly. A pillar of flames barrels toward me. My surprise doesn't process the sudden change before I'm forced into the same situation as earlier, throwing up the biggest portals I can. This one is smaller, and hot flames eat away at the hem of my pants. I grit my teeth at the searing pain. As long as I'm in Passione, my legs aren't going to get a break.

The attack ceases. I close the portals and nearly drop to my knees. Is she only able to keep them up for a certain amount of time? With such a powerful Stand, it has to take a lot of energy. I can try to tire her out and then take her head-on, but I'm nearly exhausted myself. It's too risky. Another option would be taking her out like Ghiaccio and trapping her leg. However, I have doubts she'd let a missing leg keep her from turning me into a crisp. I'll try to redirect her next attack. She might expect it because she knows the basic nature of my Stand, but it's better than nothing.

"You're a fun one," Blondie laughs. "Portals, that's a new one. Let me guess. Now that you've seen Hot N Cold's ability, you're going to try to reverse my attacks? It's about all you can do, right?" Her smile drops. "I've had fun playing, but it's time to finish this up. My boss is a very impatient woman." Both sides of Hot N Cold glow. "It takes a lot of energy, but I can use both sides at once. It's an attack no one's ever survived. Think your little portals can hold up?"

It feels like a hand twists my gut. A million ways this could go wrong plays out in my head. I doubt Escape can match her strength, which is ungodly and terrifying. It'll be a valiant effort, but the fact of the matter is that this can't end well for me. I stand up tall, almost wavering a bit at the exhaustion in my body, and stare into those crazed eyes of hers. Her countenance is serious now, the cold killer underneath showing through in a terrifying way.

Hot N Cold glows even brighter, spreading its arms out. I gather all my strength into Escape. A small smirk appears on Blondie's face, and she says somewhat quietly, "Goodbye."

I widen my stance and open the biggest portals I can for a third time. However, the flames don't reach me, and the ice is nothing but a weak blizzard. Did I finally tire her out? I take a chance when her ability has faded and peek out from behind the portal.

Her head is completely off her body. On top of that, there's a . . . zipper where it's been separated. Her face is frozen with horror. I raise an eyebrow and take in the figure standing next to her. He's a man my height. He wears a white suit sprinkled with black dots, and his hair is in a sharp bob. When he looks at me, his gaze is friendly and serious. "My name is Bruno Bucciarati. I'm from Passione."

"Uh, Quinn." I feel like I've seen this guy around Naples. "Nice to meet you."

"I was sent to help you in your mission." He glances down at Blondie. "If you'll allow me, I'll finish up this one and then find you later. You know where you're supposed to go."

I assume he means the locations, probably the one where we'll find Morte, on the hit list. I nod dumbly, shocked at my unexpected savior. "Sounds like a plan. Stay safe."

"You as well," he replies.

I turn, grab my bag, and exit the alley. My knees are weak, my mind is becoming foggy, and my legs ache where they've been burned. I need a nap after this.

I turn around the corner as Blondie's muffled screams of protest cut through the air.

A/N: Hot N Cold is 100% ripped off from My Hero Academia, Todoroki bby I'm sorry

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