who is she..?

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              There she was, looking out the window watching the rain pouring more by each minute. It was normal for her to be like this every time it rained, locking herself in her room while listening to music trying to escape from reality even if it was only for a few minutes. She puts down her headphones to hear her parents bickering on and on about her disappointment. At this point it wasn't just those, her whole life was controlled by her parents. What school she went to, what food she ate, who she could hang out with and what grades she would have to get. Those were only a few things, but there is much more to it. School wasn't much of a place where she could let it all go either, she had quite a few friends at school and tried to feel more free. She tried not to tell her friends much about her life outside of school because she didn't want to be dramatic. Then, it was the end of summer vacation and tomorrow would be the first day of school in the 7th grade. Although she was quite young, her mind and heart wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. She often thought like a more mature person but at school, she acted younger than she was.

Her thoughts were always interrupted by her mom yelling for everything. Nothing made her excited or appealed to anything, even simply eating food. Her parents were constantly talking about how she looked too skinny and nothing would look decent on her, while she couldn't care less about her image. But of course, a lot of the boys at school would "rate" girls on their looks, and she knew all the things they had to say about her. She always tried to brush it off, but sometimes it just got to her and made her somewhat insecure. Sometimes she just questioned "why?" she had been brought into this world in the first place. She had finished her food washed the dishes and quickly went to bed as tomorrow will be a long day...

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