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The car ride was so long I am feeling sick of just seeing trees and trees....

"Oh my god, why is there so many freaking trees" Irene complain, "Really Bae? Where the hell do you think we going?" Yeri turns her head to face Irene. "Look at the bright side we almost there, also..." Wendy gets closer to Irene's ear and whispers some crazy stuff about what Irene and Seulgi would do, Irene just blushes and adds "...pervert" Wendy laughs getting everyone's attention.

Seulgi was sleeping, but she wakes up from the laughters and some argument from everyone. "Why you all being so loud?" Everyone stays silent, but Seulgi gives Irene and Wendy a serious look, "we were just talking about plans and what to do" Irene said innocently. Seulgi smiles and pulls Irene for a huge hug, "I am so excited for this little vacation!!" Seulgi said with so much hype.

I'm just hours they soon made it to the location, Yeri kept on looking at her phone to check if it was right, but she looked back and forth, back and forth for a while. Jennie took her phone away and said, "okay guys, this is THE SPOT!" Jennie said frustrated at Yeri. "Damn, why you always so bitchy" Yeri and Jennie never seemed to have a good connection since they first met. Before shit would get down Seulgi steps in, "guys chill, I don't want to see any of this bull right in front of Irene and by the way learn to be friends" Seulgi said slowly stepping away.

They all went to a cabin and put all their stuff and the first one to do that was Seulgi who really wanted to go fishing. "Damn, why in a rush?" Irene said crossing her arms, "what? I want to go fishing especially since we get to have a little alone time together there" Seulgi flirted making Irene have butterflies in her stomach. "Sorry, Seulgi but you can't do that" Seulgi looks at Jennie confused, "the lake is nasty if anything you're gonna find already dead fish".

This wasn't the first time Seulgi has been to this camping place, "shit, I'll set up a fire then" Seulgi leaves the cabin disappointed. Irene feels bad and looks the rest of the group who didn't seem to care at all. To be honest...no one really understands Seulgi as much Irene does, Jennie wants Seulgi to still be the bad bitch she has been and so do the rest, but Seulgi has changed.

+Time Passes+

Everyone got near the campfire and started to talk while eating s'mores. Irene kept her eyes on Seulgi who still seem down about the whole fishing thing, but she put her mind on the campfire. As time flew so did the evening, it was now night time and Irene walked toward Seulgi who was sitting next to the tree staring at the lake.

"Why do you wanna go fishing so bad?"

"It's always has been my favorite thing to do, but now I can't"

"You don't have to be down about that, there ar-"


Seulgi looks at her eyes and there is a spark happening there. Seulgi gets her blanket to cover them up from the rest from seeing and they both kiss. "Oh~looks like their having fun" Yeri said playfully, Joy smacks her head making Yeri hiss and says "why can't you leave them alone".

Seulgi stopped kissing Irene and smiled at her, "who cares about fishing when I have you" Irene smiles back and hugs her trying to hide that she's blushing.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated, but besides that thank you for reading I appreciate it and I love you all ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 don't forget to stream MONSTER, 👋

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